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Drunk Anger
(Warning: foul wording)

Holy fuck .. I'm caught. I'm definitely caught. I look at Darius like a deer in headlights, I just stand here. Watching as he come towards me.

"W-wh-what?" I ask guilty but confused. I honestly didn't know what he meant but I had a mini idea.

"I was just with my boys when Tez tells me "I seen your sister at the fair that one night, she was with her friends and I was about to say hello but then I seen her talking to some white guy." you know, at first I'm like okay I mean, she was with her friends so she's good." He explains with his hands waving around signaling that he was definitely pissed.

"Okay-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Then, he's like "I start to look more close and I notice it's one of the tings from that white ass gang we at it with." at first, I'm like my sister isn't that stupid but then I start remembering stuff like how we got into that fight and you were staring at that guy and he was staring back. At first, I didn't think much of it but now.." My heads starts to throb. My fingers are sweaty and I bite m bottom lip.

"Darius, I don't know him!" I yell at him. "I don't what he's even talking about, he didn't see me."

"No, shut up Paige. I know he's not going to lie about that random crap." He spoke through his teeth.

"You're going to trust your little friends over me?" I yell again.

Tori was just watching the scene with scrunched down eyebrows. She kept her mouth close knowing Darius would just target her too.

"My friends have nothing against you!" Darius said so loud that both me and Tori jumped back a little.

"Darius, are you drunk?" Tori says in almost a whisper.

"Stay out of this T!" He yells at Tori.

His chest was falling up in and down and his eyes were red. I didn't notice how drunk he was before because the way he was yelling at me. Suddenly a heat starts to rise in me starting at my stomach, chest, then face and I breathe in and out deeply. I didn't know what he was saying because I blocked him out by now but all of a sudden, a lose it.

"You have the nerve to come in here and accuse me when your off your fucking rockers because you're upset and drunk! You shouldn't be out doing things like that anyway!" I let it out all.

Darius stares at me in silence and hung eyelids. "So.. what your saying is that you are seeing-"

I sigh deeply before he could even finish the sentence and storm towards the front door.

"Where the hell are you going?!" Darius grabs my arm tightly.

"I'm going to see my mom in her shop. I'm tired of you accusing me like I'm some 8 year old girl. I will do whatever I want in my life, I'm 17 and if you don't like that well, fuck off." I yank my arm out of his grip and walk out the house, slamming the door behind me.

All is going through my mind is Justin because I kind of confess that I'm seeing him and I know my brother, he will do something about it. Deciding to not cry, I try to stop my nose and eyes from burning. They were threatening to leave my eyes but I wasn't letting them. I was so upset that I didn't want to cry. He really has some nerve coming to like that. Atleast I'm not the one messing around with a 29 year old teacher! But hey, I would never out my own sister even if she didn't do much to defend me.

Once I get to the shop I run straight to the back. My mom sat at the desk looking at bills with her hand on her forehead.

"Mom.." I say quietly.

"What are you doing here so late?" She asked getting up from the desk.

"I wanted to see if it would be okay if I went to Alexus house tonight." I ask.

"It's late .. I don't think that's a good idea but why are you wanting to leave?"

"Darius.. Darius is being annoying and picking fights so I called Lex and she said her mom was cool with it." I lie. Well, I was telling the truth about him being annoying but I couldn't tell her why. No matter how mad I am at him, I can't just snitch on him.

"I'm sorry baby but it's just too late to walk and your father doesn't get home until another hour or so. You'll just have to stick it up for tonight. How about in the morning?" She say apologetic.

"Yeah, I'll see if I can in the morning." I fake a smile to please her and she smiles.

"Okay, I'll be home in about an hour. I still have to sort out these bills." She sighs.

I only nod and hug her. Leaving the shop soon after and the nighttime breeze hitting my skin. I wanted to stay out here all night until I can watch the sunrise and be with peace even for a moment but my mom would come home and drag me back into the house so that doesn't even matter. I walk down the street and across a couple more. Finally making it to my humble abode.

Taking a deep inhale, I reach for the door knob but it soon opens before I could touch it.

"Where did you go?!" Darius ask with a loud tone.

"If you're going to yell at me again I will just leave ... again." I simple say and push pass him. Going into the house and heading to my room but he quickly stopped by grabbing my arm.

"Look, Paige I'm sorry about yelling at you and losing my temper but I just need you to tell me.." He didn't finish the sentence so I spoke up.

"No. I don't know any guys your fighting against or whatever. I did talk to him at the fair though. He asked me about you but I didn't give any information, I promise then I saw him at the club space and I was just surprised. I didn't think he was an enemy of yours.. really, I was just shocked." Everything coming out my is complete bull but I had to protect Justin and my brother because if he start something either one could end up dead.

"Paige.. I am little drunk and I shouldn't have confronted you while like this. I'm sorry." Darius whispers to me and I only nod. I reach out my arms and give him a bear hug.

"It's okay." I chuckle as I'm getting out of his grip. "I'm just going to bed. I'm really tired."

Walking up the stairs and entering my bedroom. Closing the door behind me I hear someone clear their throat causing me to jump. Whipping around to see Tori sitting on my bed with the moonlight hitting the side of her face, her eyes staring back me.

"Tori?" I question even though I know it's her.

"I want you to tell me the truth." Tori gets up from my bed and walks over to me. "No bullshit."

I inhale and exhale deeply, here we go..


Okay, I know I haven't updated in a while and I know this chapter is a little crappy but I've been feeling so down lately about everything that's happening around us and other things so my inspiration kind of fell off but I promise I will not stop now.

This is the start of the drama and the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Enjoy loves!

I have some Netflix suggestions also!

1. Stranger Things - Freaking unbelievable! I didn't think it was gonna be as good as it was. I am hooked. I'm ready for season 2 already. (Highly recommended)

2. Shameless (U.S) - I love this show so much! A disfunctional family? I'm interested.

3. One Tree Hill - Such a great series. Nathan and Haley are the reason I'm still alive. I love them so much.

4. Scandal - So many plot twists! Gives me so many book ideas, honestly 😭 (Highly recommended)

That's all for now .. tell me some of your Netflix suggestions!

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