Chapter 42

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The small cupboard beneath the sink was cramped as I drew my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. It smelled like faint mildew and cleaner, making me wonder if this was a good idea as a drop of water from the rusty pipe splashed my cheek.

"This is crazy." I muttered, my voice being the only sound in the eerily silent room.

Because in reality, the whole situation was absolutely absurd. Here I was, hiding beneath a sink in a cheap motel, trying to hide from the police who were convinced that I had been kidnapped by my friends. Or people who I had assumed were friends. Do friends lock each other in bathrooms and do an almost type of torture to get answer?

I actually giggled into my hand. The smell must really be getting to my head.

A few minutes later, just as I presumed would happen, I heard the muffled voices of the boys as they approached the room. I listened to the front door open followed by several annoyed sounding grumbles and a string of swears. The chair was removed from under the bathroom door and swung open with a creak.

Their sneakers shuffled against the tile. "Where'd she go?" Liam asked after a moments silence. I held my breathe and curled up even tighter.

"That's not possible." Zayn murmured, "How could she have gotten out?"

"There's no window." Niall observed.

"Oh really?" Harry replied sarcastically, "I had thought she jumped out of the large, non-existent balcony window in the bathroom."

Somebody laughed as they turned and seemed to head out of the bathroom and search the room. I let out a small sigh of relief. If I waited here until Louis got back then I could-

"God damn it." Zayn huffed as the cupboard door flew open, momentarily blinding me as light poured in.

All I could see were his jean-clad legs attatched to a scuffed up pair of converse as he stood before me.

"Bloody hell, how did she fit in there?" Harry exclaimed in shock.

Zayn's tanned fingers came looming down and pulled me none too gently. I stumbled out awkwardly and practically fell into the bathtub, seeming as though my legs were cramped up from being jammed in there so long.

"You found me!" I cheered with fake enthusiasm, "Now it's your turn to hide."

His dark eyes narrowed on me, "Nice try, pulling a fake room number on us. We scared the

Iiving day lights out of an old man." With his hand still tight around my arm, Zayn propelled me backwards and forced me to sit on the closed lid of the toilet. I complied with a worn out sigh and pulled my legs up to sit Indian style.

All the other boys crowded into the bathroom behind Zayn, who stood there with his arms crossed and irritation glowing in his eyes. I shifted nervously under his gaze, and found myself being unable to meet his piercing stare. I let my eyes falls onto my hands instead.

"So." Zayn said, his voice sharp.

"So." I repeated quietly.

Zayn cleared his throat, "So, as you may be able to see, I am clearly not in the mood for games right now. It's not even really that big of a deal. Everything will be easier once you tell me."

I heard the sound of his footsteps approaching me, and a finger hooked under my chin, tipping my face up to his that was mere inches away. Instinctly I flinched away, put his other hand came around and pressed against the small of my back to pull me closer.

"Just. Tell. Me. Now. You have ten seconds."

I didn't say anything, instead chose to bite down on my lip.

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