Chapter 22

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"Well I could watch her. I'm 18, so she could technically stay with me." Zayn says defiantly, crossing his arms and standing between me and my mom.

"But she's just 16! She can't leave the house and stay with you!" my mom spits, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Zayn tenses up, back muscles becoming prominent through his t-shirt as his eyes flash with anger. Meanwhile I'm stuck. I have no voice in this conversation, where I'm about to go next is being thought out by two people who don't listen to my opinion at all. But I want to say something. I want to scream and shake them to get their attention. But after being silent for so long, it's hard to come up with the words.

So I keep my mouth shut.

"I know her better then you do. She'd want to come with me, she hates going home!" Zan argues, voice rising with every word. He takes a deep breathe, eyes fluttering close for a moment before fixing his steely gaze back.

Suddenly I'm aware of everyone turned towards me. I blink, looking back as they stare me down expectantly.

"So?" Zayn questions, "Would you want to come with me?"

I realize my back had been pressed against the wall, as if I was trying to as far away from this situation as I could.

"Um." I stammer, "I- I don't know if, um..." Behind my eyes all I can see is Zayn running at Mark with a knife, the blood thirst in his eyes. The monster that had overtaken him until there was nothing left but a boy out to hurt, a boy out to rip someone apart and tear them down.

Zayn holds his hand out to me, slender fingers curled up slightly for me to grab. My gaze follows up his arm until I meet his eyes, brimming with desperation.

My mom leans forward and grabs my wrist, tugging me towards her. Zayn tries to grab at my shirt, but I slip through his fingers and stumble at her side.

"She's scared of you." my mom scoffs, "Besides, how would you keep her safe? You were the one that let her be taken away by that gang! You have anger issues, and it's practically your fault that your little friend Louis is in a coma!"

"SHUT UP!" Zayn screams, snapping upright and lunging forward. Harry is suddenly there, blocking Zayns way and placing two hands on his chest, shoving him back roughly.

"Calm down mate." Harry murmurs, "You just gotta calm down."

But that was too far. Zayn's eyes have darkened, burning with a fiery rage. His jaw in clenched tight, cheeks flushed and shoulders quivering slightly as he struggles against Harry.


He's puffing like a dragon, looking beyond hurt. It's not just anger, there's real pain on his face. He looks broken, like those words have finally made him break apart. He's confused, he's lost, and most of all he looks extremely exhausted from all life has thrown at him. My heart aches as I watch him fight Harry.

"Let's go." my mom states, dragging me out of the room.

I glance back in for a moment before I leave. "Katie!" Zayn exclaims, voice cracking as he ducks under Harry's arm.

Harry shoves him back against the medical equipment, the wires clanging together. "Just let her go mate." Harry whispers as Zayn finally gives up, slumping against the wall. "Let her go."


Being back at home doesn't feel right. I was haunted by nightmares, jerking awake in cold sweat and screaming Louis's name. I would relive the moment when the bullet connected with his body, watching him crumple towards the ground. His limbs splayed out, hair falling in front of his eyes.

But Louis was stuck in coma and I was stuck at home, not allowed to leave the house or call any of the boys. I opened books instead, staring at the page but not reading anything, wishing I could just fly away and disappear into the clouds. My heart felt heavy and hurt with every step.

I was sent back to school, as much as I dreaded it. People had heard what happened. Whispers followed me down the hall as I drifted into my first period class. Someone tried to say something, I smiled and nodded and turned away, preoccupied with my backpack.

And I shouldn't of but I did, I looked to my right and there were two empty seats where Louis and Harry sat. Where they should've been, acting obnoxios to get me to smile and playing tic-tac-toe and not even bothering to pay attention because life was short and they liked to have fun.

"Today, we will be learning about Greek mythology " my teacher huffed, scraping chalk across the board. Papers rustled and pencils scratched paper, a locker slammed shut in the hall. School sounds. I turned instinctly towards Louis, opening my mouth to say something. But instead I saw nothing and felt extremely sick all of the sudden.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I announced a little too loudly, pushing my chair back. Heads swiveled in the direction, looking on with pity. The girl who got in the fight, the girl who's friend is dying. Whisper whisper whisper.

"Okay." my teacher said carefully, handing me a pass. I clenched it in my hand and slipped out the door. The moment I was out of sight I was running, running down the hall and outside the front doors and breathing in the fresh air.

Bending over with my hands on my knees, I hacked and coughed onto the cracked pavement, knowing I didn't want to go back in there and I wouldn't and I couldn't.

"I knew you wouldn't stand it." a voice said nearby. I jerked my head up, and there was Zayn, arms crossed and leaning casually against his car parked along the road.

Wiping my mouth, I straightened up and stared at him, "What are you doing here? You're not suppossed to be around me."

He shrugs, dark eyes glowing "Just keeping an eye on you. It's my job."

Silence stretches inbetween us, nobody moving. Garbage skitters past my feet as the wind picks up.

"I'm not going back in there." I exclaim, voice echoing across the empty street.

"I didn't think you would." he chuckles slightly, "You lasted ten minutes into first period. But, where do you want to go?"

I bite my lip, searching for an answer "Anywhere but here. I don't wanna go home."

Zayn steps away from his car, opening the passengers side. "Come with me."

I take a step back. Going with Zayn. Stuck with Zayn all alone, I'd be all alone with trouble himself. I needed to avoid trouble.

"I don't want to." I hear myself say. It's true and at the same time I only want to be with him. Twisted, very twisted indeed.

"I'll kidnap you." Zayn says calmly, coming towards me.

I back up a bit, "I'll run away."

And he's just three feet away, looking strong and dangerous and powerful.

"I'll find you. The world might be big, but it's not big enough for you to hide."

We stand with our arms crossed, sizing each other up for a minute. The bell rings behind me.

"Either way you're coming with me." Zayn murmurs, "This is a kidnapping."

I look back at school and back at him, feeling suddenly very light headed. "You'll get in trouble. They'll know I went with you."

"I am trouble." Zayn laughs, turning and walking towards the car. He glances over his shoulder at me, cocking an eyebrow expectantly.

So I follow him.

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