Chapter 8

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I tugged Niall into the darkened room, slamming the door shut and leaning my back against the wood frame. My hand fumbled along the wall for a switch, immediatly flooding the room with harsh light.

"Hey wait! Come back here!" I heard Louis yell from the other side somewhere in the hall. "Where'd she go?"

There was a sound of shuffling feet, "When I get my hands on that Irish kid, I swear." Harry grumbled quietly.

Niall swallowed thickly, fear flitting across his pale face. Meanwhile I took a quick look at our surroundings. An old janitors, small and very cramped. The walls and floor were made of cement, and the little space was occupied by shelves of cleaning supplies and boxes of papers. A light bulb swung back and forth on a wire above us, casting eerie shadows along the wall.

"Oh." Niall whispered. I looked back over at him. The fearful look had switched to cornern. He stepped closer to me tentatively, cupping a hand carefully under my chin. "You can really see the bruises where I hit you."

Under the lighting it must of been showing through my makeup, "It's not a big deal." I whispered with a shrug, waving his hand away.

Niall furrowed his brow, "But it shouldn't be okay. You let people walk all over you, and you don't do anything."

I listened carefully to the door, trying to hear where the other boys were. But part of me was listening to Niall, curious on what he meant.

"I'm worried about her, she just left with Niall." Liam said suddenly, his voice closer in the hall then I thought.

Niall caught my chin between his fingers, angling my face towards his. "You let those boys boss you around like they own you. Katie your a great girl and you really can't just let people-"

He was on a rant again. It was weird seeing his expression brimming with determination, unlike the usual worry or fear that he seemed to wear like a mask. But the boys had found the hall we were in, and his voice was getting louder and louder.

"Niall!" I hissed, placing a finger over his lips to quiet him.

"Do you hear that?" Zayn exclaimed. I heard the sound of walking stop near the door.

Niall pushed my hand away and continued talking, he had words he needed to get out and only seemed to have the confidence now.

"And sometimes I'll see you and I think, well she's really great but not the people..." Niall seemed oblivious to my attempts to shut him up.

"It sounds like Niall talking." Harry murmured. I pressed myself against the door, panic rising. "Shhhh, listen."

I looked over a Niall, who was so full of words he needed to say and I looked back at the door and I did the only thing I could think of to make him be quiet.

Clenching the front of his shirt, I yanked him forward and crashed his lips against mine.

He tasted like mint and felt very, very warm beneath my mouth. His protests were quickly quieted as I increased the pressure. My head was spinning from lack of oxygen, but I pulled him closer and felt his hands brush against my cheek.

"I don't hear anything." Louis said faintly from behind me. Their footsteps echoed as they retreated to a different hall.

I let go of Niall suddenly, watching him stumble back with a gasp. His hand came up to touch his lips, looking at me with wide blue eyes. "Wha-What?"

I let out a sigh of relief, "Sorry Niall but I-" I didn't get to finish, because suddenly Niall filled the space between us and trapped me against the door. His hands held my waist firmly as he pressed his mouth with mine. It caught me off guard, my eyes flew open as he drew away and his hot breathe hit my ear.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." he whispered, eyelashes fluttering. Words were too hard to speak right now, I didn't know what to say or what to do. Everything was happening so fast, did Niall just kiss me? Did Niall just-

The door that had been supporting my back suddenly disappeared. With a scream I fell back, Niall wrapping his arms around my waist and falling with me. My hands gripped his neck as we tumbled to the ground, him falling on me.

"Are you okay?" Niall exclaimed, propping himself up to look down at me.

"A better question is, are you going to be okay?" a voice said from above. I blinked and looked up. Four boys stood around us. Just my luck.

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