Chapter 35

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"WHAT HAPPENED?" Zayn shouted, slamming the door open and storming into the room. His muscles were taunt and dark eyes sparked with anger. Clenching his hands tightly at his sides, he surveyed the room, scowling.

Louis sighed, moving to stand in front of me. "Calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Zayn growled, voice lined with warning. My fingers fisted the back of Louis's tshirt, peering around his muscular frame to see the drama unfold.

Zayns eyes met with mine. I flinched and pressed myself against Louis's back, trying to avoid the rage that radiated from him.

The other three boys stumbled into the room. "Oh god." Harry muttered, emerald eyes widening at the fight brewing.

"You don't have a right to touch her." Zayn hissed, stepping forward "How dare you."

"Oh come on! You're not the not person who can like Katie!" Louis spat.

Stiffening my back at those words, I left my hiding place and squinted at Zayn curiously. "What?"

Zayn just simply crossed his arms around his chest, looking dark and dangerous and powerful.

"What?" Louis taunted, a mischevious glint in his eyes. He cast me a wicked smirk. "Do you not like it when I do this Zayn?"

In one swift movement Louis had his hands on either side of my face, tipping my mouth up to his and crashing his lips hurriedly against mine. It caught me off guard as he increased the pressure, smiling into the deep kiss.

But in a moment he got pulled away, leaving me standing there in a daze and out of breath.

"Um-" I stammered in a fluster. I ran my thumb lightly along my lower lip, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

"Don't be such an asshole!" Zayn yelled, bringing me back into reality. He had a fistful of Louis's shirt clenched in his hand, pulling their faces close together.

I shrieked and ran forward, grabbing onto Zayn's muscular arm and trying to move in front of Louis. "Stop it!" I yelled, pushing against his chest. He felt like solid rock, unmovable.

An arm hooked around my waist and dragged me backwards. "Don't get in the way!" Liam whispered harshly in my ear.

"Are they really going to fight?" Niall asked in horror, blue eyes growing wide with worry as he glanced between the two.

Harry shook his head weakly, curls flopping across his forehead. "This could be a bloodbath."

"What?" I yelped, heart dropping "Do something then!"

I tried to run over to them again, but Liam's hand caught my wrist and easily yanked me back and against them.

"There's something you don't understand." he said quietly, brown eyes meeting mine "They are two very dangerous people. Fighting is something you wouldn't want to happen. It's best not to get involved at this point."

"They never fight." Harry muttered, "But then again, they've never fought over you before."

I gasped, pressing my hand against my mouth as I watched the two of them. They both looked strong and deadly, eyes dark and hands clenched into fists. Their anger had been released, the unstoppable beast from inside.

They were ready to cause some serious pain.

Balancing on his tiptoes to reach Zayns height, Louis stuck his face close to his.

"Aw." he taunted, "You're so upset because I finally got Katie."

Zayn clenched his teeth together. "You were in a coma for a month." he replied icily, "You left her."

Louis's face became crestfallen. "I didn't mean to!" He shoved hard against Zayn's chest, sending him crashing backwards against a shelf. Books fell to the floor in a flutter of pages.

That smirk appeared on his face again. "But I'm the one kissing her!" Louis exclaimed cheekily, licking his lips.

Silence cut across the room as everyone froze up at his words. Zayn stared at him with an open mouth, dark eyes looking wide and broken.

"THAT'S IT!" he yelled, swiping his fist out. Louis ducked out the way, tackling Zayn around the middle and sending them flying to the ground.

"Katie, what have you done?" Liam yelled, running forward to attempt to yank them apart. The two rolled across the floor in a flurry of limbs, struggling to land punches on each other.

"They both really want to bang you." Harry murmured incredously.

I smacked him on the back of the head. "Harry!"

A crashing sound came from the closet. The three of us jumped, twisting around to stare at the wooden door. Another crash sounded from inside, followed by a string of obscenities and someone shuffling to their feet.

"Oh shit!" Harry yelled, "He's awake!"

I felt my back hit the wall as I stumbled backwards a few feet. The room was closing in, making it difficult to breath. Everything was a whirl of colors and shouts around me. Zayn and Louis were rolling in the floor and Liam was yelling and Harry and Niall were trying to keep the door shut and-

"She's having a panic attack!" Niall yelped, suddenly appearing right beside me. He ran a hand through his rumpled blonde hair and looked at me intently. "Calm down Katie, breath."

His hand tangled with mine, fingers calloused from his guitar. He smelled like grass and sweat and sunshine and it actually calmed me down.


I took a deep breathe, closing my eyes briefly. When I reopened, Harry had his back pressed against the closet door, trying to hold back the man that had woken up from inside. The wood jumped as the man pounded his fists.

"Who put me in here?" the man shouted, "I'm going to kill you kids!"

Glancing around at the panicked situation, I did the only thing I could think of. Placing my hands over my ears, I screamed. I screamed out all my anger and held back tears and the fact that everyone was fighting and that it was all my fault.

Louis and Zayn stopped, turning to look at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you." I huffed, planting my hands on my hips. "But could somebody please-"

An object suddenly came crashing through the window and smashed into the floor. Bits of glass flew across the room and shattered on the floor, sprinkling the ground with pointed window pieces. A jagged piece cut at my cheek as I threw my arms over my face for protection. It happened too fast to even be surprised.

"Who the hell threw a brick through my window?" Niall exclaimed, crunching across the glass and picking up the block from the floor.

Zayn brushed some glass bits from his hair and jumped up to the window. I ran over too, peering down into the street nervously. It appeared to be empty besides a garbage bag rolling across the sidewalk in the wind.

"They're trying to flush us out." Zayn growled, turning around and grabbing my shoulders. "We got to go."

Out of the corner of my eye, another object came spiraling through the window. "Look out!" Zayn yelled, pulling my down to the floor and throwing himself over me protectively. My cheek pressed against his chest as I curled up against him, hiding beneath his arms.

When I loked up, Zayn was hovering over me, eyes wide and staring down at me. He traced his thumb down my cheek. "Are you okay?" His finger stopped over the cut in my face, looking worried.

"No." I replied, "I am not okay."

And then I coughed, glancing back over and flinching in fright when I saw the large cloud of smoke wafting through the apartment.

"They threw... Something in here...." Louis hacked, pressing his shirt over his mouth. Harry was out of sight, but I heard the closet door burst open just as the fire alarms shrieked from the ceiling.

Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. "Let's run."

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