Chapter 2

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*1 year later*

I doodled absently on the corner of my paper, the droning of my teacher going on in the background. Glancing to my right I noticed Harry struggling to keep awake. His head was nestled into the crook of his arm, eyelids fluttering shut before flying back open, fighting against sleep.

Louis caught my eyes from the other side of Harry. "Pay attention." he mouthed, nodding at the board. Sighing heavily through my nose, I decided to just let him be bossy and turn back around.

That's when I first saw him.

Standing awkwardly at the front of the class, was a boy with tousled blonde hair that rested at the top of his vibrant blue eyes. In a rumpled plaid shirt and jeans, you could easily see how cute he was. Papers fluttered around the room as girls sighed happily.

My teacher cleared her throat, examining a crumpled peice of paper in her hand "Class, welcome our new student. This is Niall um-"

"Niall Horan." he interrupted politely in a thick Irish accent.

Louis snickered quietly beside me, "Great, the new kids a leprechaun." He exclaimed loudly.

The entire class rippled with giggles as Nialls cheeks reddened and he jammed his hands into his front pockets.

My teacher didn't seem to hear or care, just pressed her glasses farther up the bridge of her nose. "You can sit there." she said, extending a painted fingernail towards the seat in front of mine.

The blonde boy eyed the empty seat worriedly, eyes flickering over to Harry and Louis sitting next to me. Harry had lifted his head up and was blinking back sleep, but his gaze was already hardening on the new kid before them. Fresh meat.

A sense of guilt washed through me. I knew exactly what it was like to a be new kid. Louis must of knew what I was thinking, because he shot me a warning look and shook his head slightly.

Niall shuffled over slowly, allowing Louis to easily stick out his foot in his path. I bit my lip as I was forced to watch Niall stumble and fall over, catching himself on the edge of Louis's desk. Laughter echoed across the room. Silly new boy, people whispered. What a klutz, whispered others.

Niall frowned and began to push himself off Louis's desk, but instead Louis yanked on the boys collar until they were eye level. "Louis." I hissed, clenching my hands together. "Let him go." My nails were digging into my palms.

Louis pulled Niall inches from his face. "You think your great now, but this is my school. And I'd watch your step."

The new kid looked slightly taken aback, trying to pull himself from Louis's grip. "What, but I didn't even-" Louis released him suddenly, giving him a hard shove and sending him clattering to the floor. As the boy flew back, his hand flew out and hit me sharply on the shoulder as he tumbled to the ground,

"Ow." I muttered, rubbing the spot he had hit, more worried on how he was doing. Meanwhile Louis's face flooded with worry.

"Are you okay?!" he exclaimed, reaching out to me. He stopped suddenly and dropped his gaze to Niall laying on the floor, looking throughly confused.

"You hit her." He growled, eyes darkening. Harry brushed some curls out of his eyes, seems to finally wake up.

"Are you okay Katie?" Harry said softly, scraping his chair back to stand up.

I grabbed his arm, "Guys I'm not made of glass, really I'm okay."

"Settle down back there!" the teacher exclaimed sharply.

This was not going to turn out well.

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