Chapter 10

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With every step home I took, it felt as though I was being punched in the gut.

You're walking away from them.


They're suppossed to be your best friends.


But they said they loved you

Step. Step. Step.

Suddenly I was at home, slamming the front door shut behind me. I slid to the floor with my back pressed against the cold wood, burying my face into my hands. And I screamed to let out a bit of my frustration, a bit of the boys, a bit of Niall, and a bit of regret that chewed at my insides.

My scream echoed through the empty house, bouncing off walls and ringing in my ears.

"Why is everything so complicated?" I yelled to nobody but at the same time to everybody, clenching my fingers around my hair. The only response I got was the sound of the clock ticking from the kitchen.

With a sigh I pushed myself off the floor, moving to go upstairs when the chiming off the doorbell went off. I glanced down at my phone. It was still early, only about 1. School was still going and nobody should be over now.

Grabbing the rainbow umbrella that leaned against the hall, I held my weapon tightly as I opened the door a crack.

"Hello?" I asked, peering out.

"Hey," the mystery person said, "I was wondering if Katie lives here. You see me and her are doing a history project together and-"

I swung the door open all the way, "I'm not doing any history project." Immediatly I regretted my descion when I saw who was standing on my porch. Mark Reiner.

Mark Reiner was bad news. He's that one kid at school who skips class and smokes in the street and drinks and does drugs and just does all the no-no things you were taught when you were little not to do. Gangs were common where I lived, and he ran his very own. Trouble was on my doorstep, trouble was looking me straight in the eye.

I tried to close the door on trouble, but it stuck its dirty sneaker inbetween the door to stop it from shutting. He had a closely shaven head and nose piercing and these soulless eyes. Just black, plain black eyes that were void of emotion.

"Well I didn't think you'd be here babe." he smirked, leaning against the doorframe.

I gripped the umbrella tighter, "Shouldnt you be in school?"

"Shouldn't you?" he replied breezily, ripping the umbrella from my grip and grabbing my wrist. I recoiled as he pulled me closer.

"Now I need you to do something for me." his nails dug into my skin, "Tell your friend Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam that they need to see me pronto."

I gagged at our close proximity, yanking my hand away and almost falling over. His hand snaked forward and grabbed my belt loop, keeping me upright.

"You got that?" he hissed, giving me a crooked smile.

"Got it." I stammered, slamming the door shut and throwing the lock across. I heard the sound of his laughter and retreating footsteps.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON!" I exclaimed, "WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN YOURSELF INTO NOW?" My skin tingled from where he touched me. What did he want with the boys? I peeked my head out the window, watching his retreating back. As if sensing me, he twisted around and smiled. With a shriek I threw myself down to the floor.

I went to bed feeling uneasy and nervous. That encounter with Mark had not been good. Oh not good at all. Trouble was stirring, I could feel it. 'I don't need more trouble.' I thought, curling up under the covers.

I fell into an uneasy sleep, dreaming of umbrellas and nose piercings and a kiss in a janitors closet. It was almost enough to distract me from the boys. Almost.


"Wake up!" a voice said loudly in my ear. I jerked away, panicked and unsure what was going on. It was pitch black in my room, and there were dark shapes moving around.

A hand was around my arm, "Come on Katie, wake up!"

"Stay away from the door!" I shouted, flailing as my sheets tangled around my legs.

"What?" the voice asked, sounding amused. Oh not that voice. I blinked and tried to clear the fog from my mind. I glanced to my glowing clock. 3 in the morning.

My light was switched, flooding the room with brightness. I squinted my eyes shut at the harsh glow and tried to see what was going on. Four boys were scurrying around my room.

"We have trouble." Zayn whispered, brown eyes wide. Of course.

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