Chapter Thirty

Mulai dari awal

"OK," I told the other two, "come on in,"

Max & Drake came into the meds room and briefly look around.

"Shit," Drake looked around the room bewilderedly, "this is the biggest meds stash I've seen in a long, long time."

"And we have full access," I said, "come on – start filling up your bags. I want us to be in & out of here as quickly as possible."

The two of them nodded and began grabbing pill bottles and tablet boxes off the shelves and stuffing them in their backpacks. I did the same – making sure I grabbed whatever antibiotics and/or immunity pills that I could see. Several minutes passed, and soon enough all our bags were completely loaded, and there was almost nothing left on the shelves. All that was left were a couple bottles of vitamins – and we had plenty of those already.

"Great job, you two," I whispered to them, "OK – let's move out. Wait for me out there," I nodded towards the back room.

They both made themselves scarce as I re-entered the security code in the alarm system and locked the door. I turned back towards Max & Drake only to see both of them standing by the large desk at the other end of the room, and I frowned.

"What are you two doing?" I asked them.

"You said the condoms were in a drawer of a desk in the back room," said Drake, "I've opened up both drawers and I can't find any,"

"Oh, for God's sake," I began to roll my eyes, but after a moment, I smirked, "you're not gonna have any luck with that, anyway. Last time I was here, I took the whole stash."

Drake's jaw dropped. "What?!"

"But the last time you were here, you & Laura weren't even together," said Max.

"I know," I replied.

"Dude!" Drake had this shocked look on his face, "What the hell?! Were you planning to rape her or something?"

I laughed. "Of course not. I was thinking of Louis & Hailee, actually," I cleared my throat, "but then, Laura became my girlfriend, and I decided that maybe I should hold onto them after all."

"That is totally unfair, Haz," Drake crossed his arms, "not cool."

"Well, if you find out where I hid them, then you're more than welcome to take some for yourself," I chuckled, "but...I doubt you'll ever find them. I spent a whole month shifting them around thinking of a good hiding place," I then looked at him questioningly, "but you & Rachel have slept together before. Where did you get condoms for that, then?"

Drake shrugged. "Rach would just ask Laura. But apparently she always showed some reluctance to hand them over."

I smiled at his comment and chuckled fondly. "Of course she did."

However, my smile then faded as I suddenly began to really miss Laura. Don't get me wrong – as soon as I walked out the camp gate I started missing her – but Drake's comment just then made me miss her so much more than I already did.

I missed her smile. I missed her touch. I missed her lips. I can't believe we actually had to be separated for me to realise just how attached to her I actually am. I began to feel so lonely without her here...I know I've got Max & Drake for company, but...without Laura, I feel as if my body's been torn right in two – and I'm only half a man walking around when she's not by my side.

Is she happy? Is she safe? Is she missing me just as much as I'm missing her?

"Haz?" Drake placed his hand on my shoulder worriedly, "You OK, man?"

Breathing the Dead ~ H.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang