The Big Day But There's Bad News

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After telling Jordan everything, I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I hated keeping secrets from her because I wanted to keep her safe. But, it's hard to keep secrets from Jordan. Our relationship didn't end right there because we went on many more dates.

Light left me alone. She wasn't happy that I was in love with the mortal but, she had my back.

I contacted the God of Time and asked him to age me with Jordan. He accepted my asking.

I'm going to finally graduate this year with my girlfriend. Maybe, after college, we could get married and buy a house. Maybe move to Chicago because I miss the city.

I haven't gotten in any more car crashes after the one with Jordan. I still have the horrible headaches but, Jordan has PTSD. If you don't know what that is, PTSD is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event. PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She has many nightmares and flashbacks during the night that it keeps her up. Sometimes she texts me for comfort. Many of them are like:

Alex, I can't go 2 sleep. Can u come over, please?

And I always text her that I can't. I just don't want to drive that late at night again. One time, I had Brent drive me over and back. Jordan and I just had cookies and milk and talked. I hate that I put her in this condition. It breaks me.

• • • • •

It's graduation day. Finally. I can't wait to get out of high school. It's been 14 years since I was a freshman with Jessica at Atlanta South High School. I put on my gown and cap, then, I drove over to Jordan's. I knocked on the door and Alice answered.

"She's upstairs, Alex. She's gettin' ready which can take a long time. Wanna come in?" She says. I nod my head yes. Eric was here for just today. Tiffany grabbed her phone from the kitchen. Everyone gave me a big hug and saying congratulations and good lucks in my ear. Once Jordan came down, Tiffany took a picture of us.

"Aw! Our baby's growin' up!" Tiffany says, showing Eric the picture. Then, Alice wanted to be in it so we took another one. Then, Tiffany and Eric wanted to be in it so we took another one. Thanks to the flash, my vision has a temporary white spot in it.

• • • • •

Getting my high school diploma was so amazing. My heart was beating a mile per minute. The butterflies in my stomach started to flutter frantically. It was such a fantastic day for me. Until, Jordan had to tell me some bad news once we got out of the stuffy auditorium.

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