Sabine's birthday

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Sabine P.O.V
Today is my birthday. The others know about it but I hope they don't remember. If they do, they'll throw a party and ask me what I want. Please let them forget.

*Sabine goes into the common room*


Sabine: Oh come on.

Ahsoka: What's wrong? You don't look happy about celebrating.

Sabine: Because I don't. I hate my birthday because people make a big deal about it.

Briez: We just thought you would be able to be extra happy on your special day.

Sabine: No but thanks for the attempt.

Ketsu: What do you want as a present?

Sabine: Nothing.

Lux: Come on, everyone wants something.

Marnie: Just tell us and we'll make it happen.

Sabine: My family.

*She leaves the room*

~At the ghost~

Ezra: Where is she?

Glam: I told you, I don't know.

Hera: Ezra, stop forcing her to tell you. If she doesn't know, than let her go.

Ezra: No. Today is Sabine's birthday and I want to celebrate with her.

Glam: As long as I live, you won't find her.

*She runs away*

Ezra: I need to find her.

Hera: Think. If you were Sabine, where would you spend your time?

Ezra: I saw her at the karaoke with her new friends. They might take her there today.

Hera: Good.

Ezra: But, she may also be around the black market.

Hera: Then check both places.

Ezra: That will take forever.

Hera: Okay. What if you stay outside the karaoke and see if she arrives?

Ezra: I'll try that. No, I will do that.

*They hear screaming out in the common room. They find Glam talking through a transponder*

Glam: I'm on my way. Relax. I'll be fine with the best present ever.

*She ends her transponder*

Ezra: Who was that?

Glam: No one. I need to get ready.

Ezra: Why?

Glam: You'll see.

~At the karaoke~

Sabine: Can we go home? I told you I don't want to celebrate.

Sauat: It doesn't have to be a party. Think about it as a family dinner.

Marnie: Yeah. Glam and Chopper will be joining us also.

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