The concert

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~At the ghost~

Ezra: Nothing. A concert but no V.I.P.

Evie: Told ya.

Sauat: We better get going.

Glam: We get to be with them and front row seats.

*They head out*

Ezra: Can I go already?

Hera: You can go with them. Just come back in time for dinner.

Ezra: Thanks. *leaves*

~At the Ranger~

Sabine: Ready?

Crew: Ready.

Sabine: Than let's go get our party started.

Crew: Yeah!

*They arrive at the tower*

Sabine: Start setting up.

Glam: How can we help?

Sabine: You made it.

Glam: And I brought my 2 guests.

Sabine: *gasp* Why did you bring her?

Sauat: Is it a problem?

Glam: You said anyone. I brought Sauat and Chopper.

Sabine: But you know how hard it is to keep my secret.

Sauat: What secret? *looks at Sabine* Wait I minute. Do I know you?

Sabine: Depends. How's your year been treating you?

Sauat: How do you even... Sabine?

Sabine: Guessed it.

Sauat: You look so different.

Sabine: Anything to hid my identity.

Sauat: Your Saige. I should have recognized it.

Sabine: Meanwhile, let's get this party started. Briez, I have a surprise for you.

*They set up and people start to show up. Ezra arrives and heads to the door*

Sabine: Hello Lothal. Welcome to my first concert. Thank you for coming and enjoy the show. For this first song, I want to sing dedicate it to my daughter, the one who became my new best friend.

Sabine: This next song is for all of us dreamers out there.

Sabine: Now this next one is for all of you. We are not a regular band but a crew that's against the empire. We will fight until we bring justice. Rebels out there, this is for you and empire, watch out. Ready? Let's show Tham who we really are.

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