Triplet day

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(Small chapter since I was working on the next ones)

Sabine: I don't want a party.

Marnie: Me either.

Sauat: Your going. You have to and we already planned everything so let's get going.

Marnie: Who came up with this theme anyway?

Sauat: We all did. Remember the meeting? You two agreed.

Sabine, Marnie: We did??!

Sauat: Yes. You said it was okay. Now let's go party. It's the day we all got together again.

Sabine: Can't believe we were apart for more that 16 years. How did I not know of you guys?

Sauat: Ahsoka helped us. We were taken to different places. I was taken to Lothal.

Marnie: I was on Tatooine and you stayed in Mandolore. I was found by the empire and that's where I meet Sauat.

Sauat: I was the one to tell her I was having dreams about a another us. A 3rd one. We did research and found you.

Marnie: That brings us to date.

Sauat: Now we can celebrate this day, triplet day.

Marnie: Your not gonna let it go are you?

Sauat: Nope.

Sabine: Let's go.

*They go to the Karaoke*

Sabine: What exactly do we do on triplet day?

Briez: You sing as a team.

Sabine, Marnie: What?!!

Briez: Your sisters. We can see how it works out.

Sabine, Marnie: SAUAT!!!

Sauat: Looks like I made a little mistake.

Glam: No time to argue. Just start your first song.

Sauat: I know one.

Sabine: This is actually fun. I'm choosing now.

*Along the way, Sauat and Marnie join in*

Marnie: That was good, but not. I know one for all of us.

Sauat: Don't tell me.

Marnie: Yep. 1,2,3.

Glam: I got one for all of you and your doing whether you want to or not.

Sabine: No.

Marnie: Out.

Sauat: In.

Sabine, Marnie: NO!

Marnie: How many times do we need to tell you? We didn't want a party.

Sabine: Then why are you smiling?

Marnie: There's nothing wrong with that.

Sauat: Happy triplet day. Now of to the cake and fruit table.

Sabine: You have a cake and fruit table?

Sauat: Yep.


*Runs to the table*

Sauat: I forgot she gets hyper when she eats cake and fruit.

*They hear things breaking*

Sabine: We need to stop her.

Marnie: CAKE! FRUIT!

Sauat, Sabine: RUN!

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