Sabine in sadness

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Glam: He said that the world is better now that you're gone.

Sabine: He said that?

Glam: He also said that he felt free.

Briez: I don't believe it.

*Sabine walks away. She goes to the top of the karaoke*

Sabine: He hates me now and looks like he likes someone else.

~At the ghost~

Ezra: I wonder where Sabine is. I really want her back.

Hera: If Glam found her once, she can do it again.

Glam: I did. After coming, she agreed to never come back.

Ezra: Why?

Glam: *thought* I can't tell him that I told her what he said.

Ezra: Glam, I'm waiting.

Glam: She spied on you. She heard what you said about her being gone but only wanted to come because of your birthday.

Ezra: I can't believe it. She heard me. She probably hates me.

Hera: Maybe you can try looking for her and apologize for it.

Ezra: If she wants to leave me, fine. I found someone else.

Glam: Here we go again. Oh Saige is wonderful and caring. Next thing we know, she's your wife.

Ezra: No. I mean, I wonder when the concert is. I want to go except that when I go, she sings happy but breakup songs. When I watch here on the ghost, they're about love and happiness. Glam, can you help me out?

Glam: Do it yourself.

~At the ranger~

Sauat: You have to come out.

Marnie: You can't be sad because of a studio boy. If he can't see how cool you are, let him go to ***.

Sabine: Don't speak like that. Briez might hear you.

Briez: Oh I heard it and I agreed. To think that I wanted to meet him. Let's just celebrate for having another day of freedom.

Sabine: That sounds like fun.

*They all go down to the party room*

Briez: Go to your positions.

Sabine: Wait. Someone better go get Glam.

Ketsu: I will. They won't suspect anything.

Sabine: Hurry. You got 5 minutes.

~At the ghost~

Ezra P.O.V
I hear Glam talking to someone. I don't know who. I listen outside the door.

Glam: She wants me there?!

Ketsu: Yeah. Be happy she installed a portal in both ships so that I didn't have to fly here.

Glam: Then let's go.

Ketsu: You have to wait because you can join when you want. Turn on the transmission TV she gave you.

*Glam turns on the TV and they see a transmission of the crew singing*

Glam: They want me to join?

Ketsu: Join when you want.

*Glam joins and they take the portal back to the Ranger. Ezra opens the door but Glam isn't there and starts a transmission with the crew. They see them singing and dancing. They see is Sabine with Glam, Ketsu and Ahsoka*

*They hear them talk*

Sabine: That was amazing. You really know all the songs.

Glam: Well, I do have a good mother with a great sense of music.

Briez: Family crew hug.

Crew: NO!

*They hug. Ezra ends the transmission*

Evie: Well, at least we know who Sabine is with.

Ezra: She has a new family. She left us, for good.

Ruby: How did you find this video?

Ezra: I heard Glam talking to someone and when I opened the door, she wasn't there. I found the video and showed it to you all.

Ruby: I said she's hiding something and we'll figure it out.

~At the ranger~

Sabine: I think that if he finds someone, I can too.

Glam: What?!

Ketsu: No way!

Briez: Your going to replace my dad?

Sabine: No. I'll love him but for now...

*Is cut of by a transmission*

Ezra: Hey Saige.

Sabine: Oh. Hey Ezra. How may I help you?

Ezra: I wanted to know...if you...wanted to...go out with me. We'll if you want to you don't have to.

Sabine: No it's okay. I'd love too but...

Ezra: But what?

Sabine: I don't even know you that much.

Ezra: So is it a yes or no?

Sabine: Sure. Why not.

Ezra: Okay. See you tonight at the karaoke. Bye.

*The transmission ends*

Sabine: Looks like Saige is going on a date with Ezra.

Marnie: Good going S. Now he's going to know.

Sauat: He won't. I'm going to help you.

*Sauat and Sabine goes away*

Crew: (The voice were everyone agrees) Makeover.

(UR, Completed) Life On My WildsideWhere stories live. Discover now