I quit

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~Later at the ghost~

Sabine: I'm not going to perform anymore.

Briez: Why not?

Sabine: I don't want to put you in danger just because I'm speaking out.

Briez: But you love performing. You can't give it up.

Sabine: Maybe that's for the best.

Glam: What happened with you and Ezra in there?

Sabine: Nothing he just told Saige that he likes her.

Glam: That traitor. He likes mom and no one will replace her.

Sabine: Don't worry. It's still me.

Sauat: I heard he kissed you and you cuddled up with him.

Sabine: Nothing happened but yeah. Now all to bed. It's late.

*They all heads to their rooms*

~During the night~

*Sabine is having another vision and is taken to the temple again*

Sabine: What am I doing here Master Yoda?

Yoda: Welcome you are. Waiting the jedi are.

Sabine: Waiting for what?

Yoda: Master you must become. Teach padawans you must.

Sabine: But how? I'm still a padawan.

Yoda: What you know you must teach. Finish training you will soon.

Sabine: Ahsoka need to finish training me?

Yoda: Qualified she is but training not finish she has.

Sabine: She has been teaching me what she knows just like Kanan and Evie with Ezra and the kids.

Yoda: Correct. Train your daughter and crew mate you must. A new master you will get. Obi-Wan waiting he is. You and Ahsoka meet him you will. Finish training to create a new order you must.

Sabine: Where do I find Master Obi-Wan?

Yoda: Tatooine you must go. Stay and travel back. Welcome back to the order you are.

*Sabine goes back to reality and wakes up*

Sabine: I need to tell Ahsoka. AHSOKA!

*She runs to the common room. She finds that everyone had already woken up*

Ketsu: What's with the yelling?

Sabine: Ketsu, set course to Tatooine.

Zare: Why are we going to Tatooine?

Sabine: Master Obi-Wan is waiting for us.

Ahsoka: Obi-Wan?

Sabine: Ahsoka, we get to finish our training.

Ahsoka: I'm not finishing my training. I quit.

Sabine: But you came back. We also get to have padawans.

Ahsoka: Impossible.

Sabine: No. Briez and Jay have the power of the force.

Sauat: And I want to train in the way of the light side.

Glam: Let's not forget me.

Ahsoka: There's four of them.

Sabine: You take two, I'll take two.

Ahsoka: Fine. Guess it's off to Tatooine.

*They head to Tatooine*


Ahsoka: You sure he's here?

Sabine: Master Yoda told me. We have to look for him I just don't know where he is.

Ketsu: Guys, don't know if this will help but I detected a house in the middle of the dessert.

Sabine: Then go there.

*They head to the house and find an old man walking outside*

Ahsoka: It's him. Let's go.

*They head outside*

Sabine: Hello.

Obi-Wan: Hello, how may I help you?

Sabine: Master Yoda sent us here.

Obi-Wan: Sabine Wren? You look different.

Sabine: Yeah, I changed my look.

Obi-Wan: And Ahsoka. Look at you. Still being snippy?

Ahsoka: Hello master. No longer snips. I grew up.

Obi-Wan: Good. So, are you the ones I will train?

Sabine: If you can. Master Yoda said you could.

Obi-Wan: And I will. You both will become masters and train the young ones.

Sabine: That is if Ahsoka still wants to finish her training.

Ahsoka: I will finish and have a padawan again. I want to help people, like Anakin.

Obi-Wan: Then welcome back to the order. Ahsoka, I need to talk to you in private.

Ahsoka: Sure.

*They head inside*

Briez: What's going on?

Sabine: Don't know. Let's leave it alone and get ready to take of to Lothal.

Briez: Yes ma'am.

*Briez runs back inside the ship. Ahsoka comes back out*

Sabine: What happened in there?

Ahsoka: Nothing just talked about what Anakin has become.

Sabine: I'm sorry. I know he was your master but he's our enemy now.

Ahsoka: Friends come and go. I believe Anakin is still alive and well find him. Soon.

Sabine: You saw what he became. He almost killed you.

Ahsoka: I know but he will always be my master.

Sabine: Sounds like he was much more than a master.

Ahsoka: He was my best friend. The one that helped me out of trouble.

Sabine: Sounds like he was a more than that.

Ahsoka: You sound like my old friends. People said that I liked Anakin. He was my master and was married. Sadly, I found out Padme died 15 years ago.

Sabine: I'm sorry. Was she his wife?

Ahsoka: Yeah, she was like a sister to me. We should get going, we have to get to the Karaoke any way. *walks away*

Sabine: You know, sometimes you just need to let your feelings go.

Ahsoka: I'll take that into consideration.

*They both get on the ship and take off*

(UR, Completed) Life On My WildsideOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant