vol. 10

176 10 6

Cara walked into Mansons room and collapsed on his bed.

A smile leapt across his face. "Did you?"

"No! why does everyone keep asking me that?" she asked.

"Well it's just. Pogo... I mean..yeah. you know what I mean.."

"No...I don't...explain it to me"

"he's a sex crazed maniac and well leave it at that.." Marilyn sighed.

"oh...okay" Cara said in a faint voice.

He went straight over to her and hugged her. "But why would he need anyone else when he has you?"

"What about you and Missy?" Cara questioned.

"Well you don't have to worry about that because nothing is going to happen" .he frowned.

"Well you llove her. just tell her and shell leave that bozo" Cara declared.

"Shell never want to be with me again," his voice cracking, " I fucked up too many times and she hates me "

and for the first time in their friendship, Marilyn cried on Cara's shoulder as she stroked his silky black hair.

Later that night, Ginger could tell something was wrong with Marilyn so he went and bought him a black and red leather trench coat with Marilyn embroidered on the right sleeve and Manson on the other one.

Marilyn smiled. this was the beginning of many gifts he would get but this meant the most to him. because ginger didn't have to get him anything .ir even say anything for that matter and he bought him $2000 gift. (not that price mattered) but Marilyn almost cried again and he held ginger and ginger laughed, probably the first time since his surgery.

"There's been a lot of first times lately" Marilyn thought.

Twiggy ran up to Marilyn and stared at him, trying to feel his pain. he tilted his head to the side and his ling braids almost reached the floor. "I llove you and Missy does too" and then he trotted away.

John went to Reney and put his hands on her waist.

"what are you doing?" she asked confused.

"oh don't mind him. he's just touchy" added Pogo.

"I can see that"

"Hey...hey. hey" John slurred in a jumble of hiccups. "tell Twiggy just do it.he LLOVES you and you know that? do you...really?" John harked.

"ohhkayyy..there buddy. .I think Youve had just a little too much to drink" Pogo insisted.

"uhuh....yep. sure" replied John as he collapsed on the floor.

"sorry about that" Pogo said

"what did he mean?" Reney asked

"oh nothing. just nonsense. "

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