vol. 3

291 11 2

Twiggy's heart stopped as the 6 ft. 3 man in front of him smiled.

"I just came to give you some company," smiled Marilyn.

Twiggy had to force a smile because he was still hunched over in fear. He jumped from the bed and wrapped his arms around Marilyn.

"Thank god" Twiggy gasped, "I thought I just fucking died."

Marilyn and Twiggy sat down and played nintendo 64 's 'Journey'

as the lead singer of Journey ran from screaming fans, Marilyn Manson poured Cristal champagne. They turned the game off. In the mood, Twiggy Ramirez sailed to his feet and cascaded over to his spiritual advisor, grabbing him and dancing with him.

"Do you believe in miracles?" Twiggy asked in a childlike grin. Before George could lift his lips, Twiggy thrust his finger in front of them. "Shhh...just dance," he said as they swept across the floor.

Marilyn tiptoed over to them and tapped George on the shoulder. "May I intervene?" he asked in a low gentle voice.

"Absolutely sir," smiled the monk as he passed Twiggy's hand to the man towering over him.

They began the cha cha cha when the phone rang.

Twiggy scurried away from Marilyn and picked up the phone.

"This is Jeordie" he said in his 'respectable' voice.

"Yes sir, we are calling in behalf of your friend, a Mr. Kenneth Wilson. He has been hospitalized and would like the company of you and a Mr. Brian Warner."

"Uhh...okay..." Twiggy said in a confused, worried voice. "We'll be there right away." He grasped the phone in his hands for a moment and then hung up.

"Ginger's in the hospital," he frowned to Marilyn. Marilyn grabbed Twiggy and dragged him out the door.

Marilyn Manson and the Spooky KidsWhere stories live. Discover now