Adeline's POV Pt 5/ Epilogue

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It was dark by the time we had reached the castle. Guards rushed towards us, swords and arrows pointed in every direction. We put our hands up in surrender waiting for them to identify me. Realization grew on their faces before one of the guards took charge. I recognized him, Sir Stanley. Where was Dorian?

"Your highness, we are so glad to see you safe. Hurry, let us get you inside," he urged looking around nervously.

I let my guards lead me inside to my throne room where they stood guard at every possible point.

"Where is my Captain of the Guards?" I asked worried for my friend.

Stanley looked nervous. "Still in recovery your highness. He was attacked and hurt badly upon arrival. He is under strict orders by the healers to stay in bed."

Oh dear. My heart stopped as all color drained from my face. "Is- is he okay?"

I couldn't add another body to the list of people who have been hurt because of me. What about my dear friend Liana? They had just gotten married, how worried must she be?

"He will be, our captain is strong," Stanley said with admiration and pride reminding me of what a perfect captain I have.

"That's Dorian for you," Rowan said teasingly from beside me.

The doors then opened as a frantic Liana walked in. As soon as her eyes landed one me, I could see her ease a bit.

"Adeline-- I mean, your highness, are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

I gave her a warm smile to put her at ease. "Of course I am. Now, I want a proper welcome from my friend."

A wide smile took over Liana's face as she engulfed me in a tight hug. "You made me worry more than a mother over her child."

I couldn't help but laugh at her comparison. "By tomorrow, things should calm down. Their tries will be futile after the coronation. Don't worry, we are almost there. Now tell me, how is your husband doing?"

It felt weird referring to Dorian as her husband. I did not know how I didn't see it coming. Two important people in my life getting wed.

"I left him as he slept, if he knew you were here he would bring down the whole castle to see with his own eyes that you are alright," she teased but both of us knew he would. He was a great captain.

"I'll visit him as soon as I can. Now, I need you not just as my friend but as my vizier. We are arranging the court for the coronation first thing this morning. The guards have already started spreading news around the kingdom for witnesses," I explained to her. Liana nodded her head as we got down to business. Rowan helped along with the arrangements. After we were finished, we all tried to sleep a few hours until coronation.

We woke up early for any final arrangements. My grandmother's seamstress had designed a beautiful deep royal red dress, so elegant that it was specifically done for a queen.

I stared at the mirror seeing myself as the queen I hoped to be. I looked brave and ready to save my kingdom. A knock on my door told me my time was up.

Rowan's POV

I knocked on Adeline's door to accompany her to the grand balcony where she were to be coronated in front of the whole kingdom.

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