Chapter 15: Alarms

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Norman's face drained colour as he was about to stumble on his own feet. "What did you say?"

He hung to the wall for support as his knees shook.

"Clarissa overheard Imogen and the vizier talking to some men. They said they were selling the eliminated girls to either be wed or um... mistresses. They were bidding them off, the girls that were part of the top ten were to be sold at the highest price. They said they were putting us on display at the ball. They were doing it for money and also as a bribe for votes when they gather the court for a vote against the queen and in the viziers honor. Do you think it's true? Do you think that's what's going on?" I asked.

Norman swore under his breath as he slid down the wall. He put his head between his hands. I sat on my knees in front of him rubbing my hand soothingly along his arm. "My Harriet, oh my god."

He was trembling as I heard a sniffle coming from him. My god, he was crying. "I wasn't there to protect her. I wasn't there for her. My god! What am I going to do?"

"Shhh, there now. It's not your fault Norm," I tried soothing him, but I myself was crying. Poor Harriet. My poor friend, what has happened to her? "We-- we need to do something about it."

Norman stayed like this for a few moments trying to get himself together. I kept wiping my tears that didn't want to stop falling. I wasn't going to sit here like a helpless person and do nothing. I wasn't just a pretty face anymore. I will give it my all to protect those who need me.

Norman looked at me with determination. "The whole thing seemed off from the start. No one was supposed to talk about the competition around the castle, especially not around the queen. We thought she was just good at acting casual but I suspect she has no clue what is being conspired behind her back. We need to tell her."

I nodded my head. If anyone could stop this, it was her. She was still in power now. "We also need to warn the girls. We need to get out of here until everything settles down."

Norman agreed. "Yes, we also need to protect the princess. She is the next in line, if anything were to happen to the queen we need her to run our country. Over my years here, she is more than capable and pure."

I couldn't agree more. "Norman, we can't trust no one. Do you hear me?"

Norman looked conflicted. "But what about--"

"No one," I repeated sternly. We didn't know who else was bought by power and wealth.

He looked defeated. Letting out a long sigh, he agreed. "Fine. I will go warn the queen and find out the location of Harriet, you go warn the rest of the girls and take Adeline to the train, I will meet you there."

"Wait-- who will drive such a thing?" I asked baffled.

"I will of course," he winked before running off. I looked outside and saw that it was sunrise already. I couldn't believe I had waited that long for Norman.

Changing into a simple dress that wouldn't catch as much attention, I ran into Adeline's room. Her bed was made. I ran to her closet and her bathroom to find them both empty. Dear god, they couldn't have gotten her already? There is one other person who I could trust with Adeline and knowing everything about her, Mathew. I needed to find him. Before I went to find him I decided to warn all the girls. I went into each room one by one explaining things to them. Some of them believed me and went on to warn the rest of the girls and others were skeptic thinking I was doing this to have a better chance at winning the competition. I did my best before going to the library. I barged in looking for Mathew. I found Ronnie near a bookshelf.

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