Adeline's POV Pt 1

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(This is a continuation of what happened in chapter 20)

After Rowan had saved me from almost drowning only to insult me afterward, we had been walking in silence for what felt like hours trying to find civilization.

"Are you still not going to talk to me princess?" Rowan's irritating voice said from beside me. I continued to ignore him as I had since we first argued.

I thrust my chin higher as I continued to walk and ignore him. Maybe then he would learn to respect a soon to be queen. He continued to see me as that little girl he use to bully when we were children. I'll show him I'm not that little girl anymore.

This whole jumping out of a train had ruined and delayed our plans. For all we knew, those thieves were still out there waiting for us. If anyone were to learn about my identity then we were in really big trouble.

"I have ways of making you talk to me princess," Rowan threatened, amusement laced in his voice. I scoffed at that remark, like he can make me do anything.

"Don't act like that gorgeous, I know those lips can do more than pucker up. You have very lovely lips by the way," he said and I could hear the smugness in his voice.

I gasped in horror spinning around to glare at this despicable man. "You are unbelievable! I was dying! It wasn't a kiss!"

A smirk took over his handsome face. "It's the kiss of life darling."

Oh how I wanted to slap this insufferable man. "You are the most infuriating person I have ever met."

Something changed in Rowan's eyes as he approached me like a predator approaches its prey. I couldn't help but gulp wondering what this unpredictable man would do.

"You see, I told you I would make you talk to me once more. Plus, I didn't count that as a kiss. When I do kiss you, you'll know what a kiss really is," he winked before walking past me. I stood there gawking at the place he once stood. My cheeks blazed like they were set on fire. Never in my life has a man ever spoken to me so. The nerve of this man.

Composing myself like Imogen has taught me over my years, I started walking behind Rowan as if nothing happened hoping my red cheeks would calm down so Rowan wouldn't know he got to me.

"What happened to you Rowan? You weren't always this annoying," I decided to anger him this time instead of the other way around. "I pity the woman who is to marry you with your womanizing ways."

"Oh darling, women seem to disagree. Plus, I would like to refer to my womanizing ways as practice," I could hear the smirk in his voice even though his back was turned.

"Where's the honor in that?" I spat. I didn't like the way he boasted about his ways.

His shoulders tensed as he stopped in his place. A shiver ran down my spine sensing a storm coming.

"I will take a lot of things princess, but I will not let someone talk about my honor," he said ever so darkly. My throat parched not knowing what to say. I wasn't use to this side of Rowan. I was starting to miss his happy teasing side, this side scared me yet made me wonder what lay behind his dark tone.

"I apologize," I said lightly. Despite the bad blood between us, I knew when to be mature and accept my mistakes.

Rowan turned around and looked at me for the first time since he had stopped. He looked surprised. "You do?"

I didn't know why I blushed at his surprised expression. "Yes..."

"Oh... Thanks?" Rowan looked confused. Heck- I was confused. Things just got awkward really fast. "Let's keep going."

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