Chapter 8: Is That Even Possible?

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I am currently typing this at work in secret so excuse any grammatical errors.


I twisted a strand of hair around my index finger in thought as I thought over the question. My mom's voice rang in my hair telling me I'll go bald before I quickly unentwined my hair from my finger.

"Mitochondria?" I said in a matter of a question. Ronnie, my tutor, started clapping in excitement telling me I got it right.

"Next question," Ronnie prepped me. I nodded my head ready to take it on. "When did our kingdom, Fariane, sign it's peace treaty with the kingdom of Hembodia?"

Oh, I was good at history, I loved learning about the mysteries of the past. I answered with ease. "Oh! In 2145 when King Louis the Third ruled."

"Very good Lady Liana!" Ronnie beamed. "And when was the Great Nuclear war?"

My favourite part of learning history was learning about the Great Nuclear war. "2089. I think it was Darwinism that explained the survivors? Survival of the fittest was it called? The genetic mutation in a few species allowed some survivors changing the dominant genome over time."

Ronnie's face lit up tremendously. He looked over to another tutor. "Hear that Peterson! I have the best student here!"

My spirits went up so high. I had the best tutor too! I've been off today thinking about Dorian's cold expression last night. Did I do something wrong? Does he not consider me a friend anymore? We're we even friends at the start?

Ronnie looked through the papers in from of him getting ready for the next question. A clapping sound brought our attention to the front where Imogen was standing. "Time is up. To the dining hall ladies."

I thanked Ronnie for another wonderful lesson before making my way down with my friends by my side.

"Can we switch tutors?" Harriet asked both Adeline and I.

We both looked at each other before laughing. We had this conversation every time we finished our tutoring sessions. Harriet said Adeline was lucky since she was being taught by a handsome lad, and I was lucky since I had the most positive tutor. I was indeed very thankful for Ronnie.

We sat around and ate our meal waiting for Imogen to leave as she usually did. As soon as she was out the door we started our daily gossip. Some on how well they're doing, some on which one of the guards or other castle workers they think are the most handsome.

"Last time I dropped a napkin and Sir Norman picked it up for me. His voice was so deep when he said here you go milady. He even winked at me," said Myriam, one of the prettier contesters. "I think we had a connection."

I stole a glance at Harriet noticing her attacking the food in front of her with a glare. Jealousy? I totally sensed something. I should ask her about it.

"I am so envious! The captain is driving me insane!" said Louisa, another contester. Something weird stirred inside me. It wasn't a nice feeling. I wonder what it could be? "I keep trying to get his attention but he's so serious! He won't glance at anyone!"

A little smile crept on my face, I don't know why but I felt relieved. What is going on with me?

"Do you think the other competition has a no romance rule too?" asked another.

Questions rose about the other competition. No one knows what it was or what was going on.

"I saw another fifteen girls get on to a carriage yesterday," said a contestant named Clarissa. Her balcony was right in front of where the carriages were. "They seemed excited."

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