Chapter 12: Mysterious One

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Morning came and I felt horrible. I could not get a wink of sleep. Last night was one of the most eventful nights of my life. I couldn't wait to speak to Dorian tonight to clear my conscious of choosing not to believe Clarissa's theory on how they have been selling girls. It was absurd. I wonder if Clarissa was successful in running away? Was Imogen right about her being eliminated and not excepting it? I guess I will get my answers through the day. Getting dressed a simple yet beautiful yellow dress, I got ready for breakfast. I walked down with the girls as they explained their night at the ball.

"Oh it was very entertaining, it's always fun to get into small battles of wits with some of these officials," laughed Adeline. "Especially when Mathew and I teamed up, absolutely entertaining." I was glad she had a wonderful time.

"Oh the night was beautiful, very... eventful," Harriet said giving me a looking saying she wanted to talk later. The smile on her face told me it was great news. I couldn't wait to hear it!

We got down to the dining hall and were seated. I noticed one of the seats was empty. We were only nine girls. Clarissa was gone. I was very curious to find out what happened to her.

Other girls had begun to realize before chatter arose filling the room with questions and noise. Imogen walked in suddenly making us all fall silent.

"Excuse me Lady Imogen, but we were wondering what has happened to Lady Clarissa?" Nasira asked.

We all nodded and waiting desperately for the answer.

"Yes, Lady Clarissa. Well you see ladies, she was eliminated last night," she said. Chatter rose again. It just didn't seem likely that she would be eliminated so soon, she was one of the best.

"Silence!" Imogen ordered. "We found her with one of the lords last night past curfew," Imogen explained. One of the men? She was in my room last night. Why was Imogen giving her such a bad image?

Everyone gasped surprised by Clarissa's supposed indecent actions. Imogen seemed satisfied with the reactions before quickly changing topics. Something about having a long day ahead of us.

We had finished another tutoring lesson, fittings for new dresses, done work around the castle and were now given a break after dinner. Adeline had been sent to meet with her grandmother the queen. It was a perfect opportunity to go to Harriet's room to find out about her "eventful night".

I knocked on the door which quickly opened by Harriet. She smiled widely once seeing it was me before dragging me inside. As soon as the door was closed she pulled out a necklace from inside her dress. Looking more closely, it was a string tied around... A ring? Oh my god!

I started to squeal excitedly before Harriet joined me. "He proposed! He really proposed! A ring and all! He had even gone to my parents house and asked for permission! They said yes!"

"I am so happy for you Harriet!" I hugged her again feeling the love.

"The house is almost done being set and furnished. Norman says I wouldn't have to worry about anything, just as long as I marry him. Oh Liana, I am so excited!" She sighed in complete bliss.

"That's wonderful Harriet! Wow, how can you wait this long?" I asked. Who knew when the competition were to end.

"That's the thing, I am going to quit. I can't do it no more, I just want to be with him. No more sneaking around, no more girls eyeing him like he's single. Just him and me, I'm telling Imogen in three days time when the house is finished," she explained. Wow! What a big step!

"That stupendous! I am invited to the wedding right?" I asked.

She laughed and nodded, "We're inviting a few people, yourself and a few girls here like Adeline. I want to invite one of the maids who has been kind to me and my vocal coach. Norman wants to invite the captain and a few of the guards. Of course our families will be there, it is going to be a simple traditional wedding at a church."

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