Chapter 10: Breathtaking

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I had just stepped out the bath as the maids sent to help me get ready stood waiting in the room. My breath was taken as soon as I saw the dress.

I ran my hand across the beautiful gown they had made for me

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I ran my hand across the beautiful gown they had made for me. They chose pink to represent my lightfulness, kindness, and - as they explained - people's comfort upon seeing and meeting me. The roses they had added were to represent my freshness, youth, and spirit. Not to mention the flowers represented my talented eye. I finished doing my makeup as one of the maids did my hair. Once I was ready I looked in the mirror and was taken back. I couldn't believe my eyes. This is the most beautiful I have ever looked. I thanked those who helped me get ready tremendously before going to check a few last minute preparations.

Guests had already started coming for the past two days and staying in the castle. Security had also gone up making me miss Dorian. I can't believe it's only been a week since I had seen him. It felt longer. He won't be back for weeks! Why does traveling by horse and carriage take ages?!

I got to the back doors of the ballroom as servants ran up to me telling me the details of tonight.

"The tables are set up, the decorations are just how we left them this morning, the sound check or the orchestra was great, the servers are set and ready in the kitchen..." They explained.

I nodded my head and decided to go in for one last time. The ball was to start in half an hour, and would probably start later due to the trend to be fashionably late. As they said, everything was perfect, all but one thing.

"The doors, I want them open and the curtains pulled back," I ordered. I walked towards one of the doors and opened it myself before walking outside to check if the lights we had set up were turned on.

There was supposed to be guards posted every two doors but it seems like they were on break until the ball began. However there was one guard on patrol making a walk around the castle, I should probably ask him where the rest of the guards had gone to.

As he came closer my eyes widened. It couldn't be...

I began running towards him as he stood looking surprised waiting for me.

"Dorian!" I yelled jumping on him with a big hug and squeezing him with all my might. His hands slowly came around my waist as he squeezed back. As surprised as I was by his actions, and should be embarrassed by my improper actions, I couldn't care less. His presence around me felt like home, I wasn't going to give that up.

"I missed you so much," I mumbled into his chest.

"I missed you too," he mumbled into my hair taking me by surprise for a third time within these few moments.

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