Chapter 9: Oh Brother!

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Dorian and I continued our walk talking about our day. He heard Ronnie boasting about me with some of the other tutors and asked me about it. He told me he was proud of me which had be blushing again for the nth time that night. We spoke of my time in the kitchen with the chef and recipes he's been secretly teaching me and feeding me. I think my appetite amuses Dorian from the look in his eyes. He mentioned how the guards kept asking him how I was doing and how they kept pestering him for a bonfire, which I completely supported.

It wasn't long until one of the guards ran up to Dorian as they usually did on our walks. Part of being someone that important.

"Captain, they want you to check the security protocol for the queens trip," said the guard.

Dorian nodded his head firmly. "I will there in a moment."

The guard saluted Dorian before making his way back inside the castle.

Dorian was now looking at me with eyes I couldn't read. "Lady Liana, I want to apologize from now. I will be accompanying the queen for her trip to the Kingdom of Riqual."

The kingdom of Riqual? That's so far away! "You'll be gone for days."

My chest ached just thinking about it. If I thought days were too long to see him then what about weeks or even months?

"Yes, that is why I am apologizing. I won't be able to uphold my promise to you until I come back," he looked a bit down. He was worried about my night walks? Sure, I would miss the walks but I was going to miss him more. He was... a special friend.

"How about a new promise?" I suggested.

Dorian nodded his head. "Anything."

My heart beat a bit faster at his seriousness. "I want you to find me as soon as you come back. Morning, evening, in the middle of the night, I don't care but come find me."

Something changed in Dorians expression before his incoming promise.



I placed the single piece of parsley on top of the skillfully placed meat on a plate of food.

I looked at the chef for approval who gave me a thumbs up. The servants took the food and placed them on a tray to serve to some of the castles more important officials dinner. I moved on to desert before Imogen walked in.

"Lady Liana," she demanded my attention.

I gave her a small bow. "Lady Imogen."

"Follow me," she ordered before turning on her heels and striding out the kitchen. I almost ran to catch up with her.

Oh no! I'm about to get kicked out! This was it! Dorian wasn't even here for support! Will I get to say goodbye to my friends?

I followed Imogen silently as dangerous thoughts ran through my head. We finally stopped outside the ballroom before two men opened the doors for us. I wonder what we are doing in an empty ballroom?

Imogen turned and looked at me with curious eyes. Here it comes... Stay strong Liana!

"I have a task for you," she said.

My heart returned to normal as I could finally breath again. "Of course milady."

"I am curious about something. If we were to hold a ball, how would you design it?" She asked.

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