Day 12: Sex Game

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Gerard was a tease. A huge, fucking tease, and he found his new favorite game.

Not So Fast.

It was simple. Frank had to stand by the door, and Gerard gets to ask him questions about Gerard's favorite subject.


Each correct question meant a step closer, and each wrong one meant a step back. Sounds like a good time? Oh, it is.

That is, unless your Frankie.

"What's my middle name?" Gerard laid back on the bed, trailing a hand up his leg and resting it casually over his crotch. 

"Arthur." Frank replied instantly, taking a step forward. That was an easy one, but there were still at least six steps until the bed. 

"Good." Gee grinned,  moving his hand up to the waistband of his pants. "Next question.  What's my favorite sex position?" 

"Doggy style." Frank grinned cockily, about to take a step forward when Gerard interrupted him. 

"Wrong." Gee grinned. "I like being able to kiss you, so it'd be missionary." 


"But true. So, take a step back." 

Frank groaned, internally, but decided not to show any weakness in the face of Gerard's game, so he instead nodded, stepping back and wringing his hands softly. "Can we do a different game?" 

"What kind of game?" Gerard asked, amusing Frank's idea. 

"How about the one where I tie you up and fuck you like the little whore you are, in punishment for doing this to me." Frank cocked an eyebrow, taking a step forward. 

Gerard tilted his head from side to side, considering the idea. "Sounds kind of boring, honestly. This is a lot more fun for me." 

"Glad you're having fun." Frank grunted, trying to withhold from the urge to just lunge at Gerard. If this was the game he wanted to play, Frank would gladly play along. 


An hour later... 

"Frank, you haven't moved a single step from the door in the past half hour." Gee sighed, his once raging boner now flaccid and bored as he shifted under the blanket, ready to go to sleep. 

"Come on, just give me one more question, all or nothing." Frank pleaded, sitting on the floor and petting their cat. "I wanna prove myself." 

"Just quit and come to bed." Gee sighed, turning on his side. "I'm going to sleep." 

"No, you aren't. You aren't going to sleep because you have insomnia; you've had it since you were 14, and never went to a sleepover in high school. The only person you ever told was Mikey, and when the car accident happened, you felt like you had lost the only you could talk to. And for a while, you had lost everyone, but then we met. When I first started talking to you, my whole life shifted off balance. I know I may not always do the best job of showing it, but I love you, I really do." 

"I love you too, Frankie." Gee smiled, looking up at him. 

"But you don't get to fuck me until you know my last name."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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