chapter thirty-seven

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I felt my heart stop and the blood drain from my face. She had to be lying, she just had to be. I looked up and noticed everyone's faces on us, some with shocked expressions, others laughing, mocking me for my stupidity. I felt the tears roll down my face, not knowing what to do next. My anger was bubbling up inside me and before I knew it I was running, running out of the doors and as far away from here as I could.

"ABBIE!" Luke screamed behind me, but I didn't stop, nor turn around. I was running in the unfamiliar streets of LA at 1am in the morning. Damn I wish I'd have thought this through.

I slowed down when my lungs couldn't take it no more, and I was greatful that I didn't have that much alcohol to drink.

I felt my phone vibrate, so I pulled it out to see who it was, and it was Gina. I picked it up. "Abbie baby, where are you?" she said hurriedly into the phone. 

"I don't know.." I sighed, realising how stupid of an idea to run away this was. I was cold and tired and wanted to be as far away from here as I could be.

"What are you standing near, I'm sending a taxi to you right now."

"Urm I'm standing near a small park with loads of buildings around it, office blocks I think." I did my best to explain. "Where's the taxi going to?"

"Back to Ariana's, Frankie's going to be there." She explained.

"Do I have to see Luke?"

"No baby you don't. Frankie's gonna help you get your stuff and then take you to the hotel that me, Nonna and Nonno are staying at tonight."

"Okay, thank you Gina for being so understanding. Please just don't tell Luke where I am, I'm not ready to face him yet."

"It's okay baby, I'll see you when you get to the hotel." She dialled off.


"FOR GODS SAKE!" I punched the wall angrily, splitting my knuckles. I didn't care. I deserved it. I pulled my hands through my hair vigorously, not knowing what to do.

I was back inside the club, in one of the spare rooms, cooling off. I had a glass of water which I smashed against the wall in frustration.

Why didn't I go after her? Oh yeah that's right, cause I'm a douche. I hated Courtney so much right now, but not nearly as much as I hated myself.

"Where is she?" I demanded to Jai.

"I DON'T KNOW FOR THE LAST GOD DAMN TIME!" He shouted at me. "NOW SHUT UP BRO, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S MESSED UP HERE, NOT ME." I nearly went to hit him but then it realised he's my brother, and I'd already lost Abbie, I didn't need to annoy him as well. I just wanted to see her, to apologise to her, to explain, to have her back in my arms.

"There's no way any of us would let you anywhere near her when you're in this state anyway." Jai said to me. That was true. I needed to calm down if I wanted to have even the slimmest chance of being able to see her.

I sat down on one of the chairs and I realised I'd got a banging headache. "Any chance of a paracetamol and some water?" I asked. Jai left the room silently and I closed my eyes, hoping that this was all a bad dream.


After sitting on a freezing cold park bench for around 10 minutes, a taxi finally pulled up. I jumped up and ran up to it, and hopped in, immediately hit by the warmth.

We drove silently to this hotel, wherever it was, and the driver kept on looking at me through his mirror. I bet he thought I was a right state, with mascara and eyeliner all around my eyes, making myself look like a panda, except panda's were cute, and that is not an explanation of what I looked like.

After a drive which seemed to last for ages, I went to pay and he said "oh no, whoever sent this has already paid, darlin'." I thanked him and ran up to the house, wanting nothing more than to go in and get my stuff, and get straight out.

I knocked on the door and sure enough, Frankie answered. "Hey," he smiled, pulling me into a hug. "I hope you don't mind but I started packing your stuff, as you probably don't wanna go in there, right?" I nodded, and surprisingly he had put all my clothes back right and all of the right stuff in my carry on.

"Thank you," I said hoarsely.

"Let's get you to the hotel, before everyone else gets back. It's 2am." Frankie said. He pulled my suitcase for me and put it in his car. He drove speedily to the hotel whilst I quietly cried, still amazed that the tears hadn't ran out yet.

"We're here," he smiled gently. "C'mon, let's get you to bed."

I loved Frankie. He took my stuff into my room and made me a hot chocolate whilst I got into my pj's. I quickly drank it after he left and hopped into bed, fantisizing that when I woke up Luke would be by my side.


I woke up to a faint knocking at my door. I rolled over and realised Luke wasn't next to me. I realised what had happened the day before and groaned. I shuffled to the door like a zombie and was greeted by Gina. "Morning beautiful," she smiled. "How are you?"

"I've been much butter," I shrugged as she made her way in and I plopped down on the bed.

"I'm not surprised. This is for you," she held out a plastic bag and gave it to me. I looked inside and saw some paracetamol, chocolate, magazines and a cuddly toy that could be microwaved and used as a hot water bottle.

"Thank you," I kissed her cheek.

"It's okay Abbie. Now look, I know you probably don't want to be talking about this, but I-"

"Gina, I don't want to talk about it. I've got a big enough headache already as it is." I moaned.

"I know Abbie but please just hear me out." She begged. I stayed quiet and she correctly took that as an invitation to carry on with what she was going to say. "I know you probably don't want me to be talking about Luke right now, but you know we're going back tonight. You need to talk to Luke about this either today or tomorrow when you get back, because you guys need to see if you can sort it out. I know you probably hate him right now and that is 100% understandable! But you can't ignore each other forever. He's broken Abbie. I know he deserves it, but seriously, don't do this to him, please."

Seeing Gina saying that about her son truly shook me. I didn't want to ever see him again but he owed me an explanation. We needed to talk about it, and as soon as possible. I need him in my life whether I like it or not, and finding out what happened could be the first step to actually getting us back on track, if that was ever to happen. If it wasn't, I needed to sort out where I was going to go, and as soon as I could. "Okay." I agreed. "I'm gonna turn on my phone and tell him to come here before tonight. We will talk about it and see where to go from there." She nodded.

"Okay. I understand what he did was truly unforgivable but he owes yourself an explanation, and not talking to one another will not help that situation." I agreed.

"Thank you Gina, I love you." I hugged her tightly.

"We'll be in our room, text me if you need anything," she smiled and left the room. I turned my phone on and saw I has 100+ missed calls and 57 texts from Luke, Beau, Jai, James, Daniel, Ariana, Caitlin and Gina. I scrolled through them all not really paying attention and texted Luke.

Me: Meet me in my hotel room at 1, we need to talk.

I turned my phone off, not wanting any more sympathy or anything like that.I just wanted to chill in my hotel room until it was time to leave. I stuck on some leggings and a jumper and laid in bed on my laptop watching netflix whilst eating chocolates, trying to take my mind off of everything.


I woke up and checked the time. I was 12:55. Good timing Ab, I praised myself. Luke should be arriving in 5 minutes. I made sure all of my stuff was packed away and answered the door, ready to face whatever was coming my way.


I know I know, this chapter is short.. but I needed to end it where it did, just for the cliffhanger ya feel?

I will update when I get around what I feel to be descent numbers.. but if everyone who reads this could vote it'd mean the world to me! Thankyouuu

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