Chapter 20: Plan in Action

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Chapter 20

"Mr. Summers, Amber asked us to bring her honey for throat", Nina said stepping into the class.

"All of you? Including KT? She hardly knows this Amber girl", Mr. Summers looked a bit astonished at all of the people that had to go.

"I do know her!" KT said a bit too loud. "Calm down, KT. I'll let you off this once, got it?" Mr. Summers said slowly.

"Yeah we got it" Patricia harshly spoke.

"Good. Now off you go!" he stood up to close the door.

"Heres what's going to happen", Nina said once they were out of earshot. "KT you will come back to the school in five minutes saying there's a fire in your house up in the attic. Got it?"

"Got it!"KT replied.

"We only have five minutes to set the place on fire. Quick guys let's go!" Nina rushed everyone out and left KT there.

Everyone minus KT was in the attic.

"Right, who wants to do the honours?" Eddie held up the

"I will!" Alfie grabbed the match off Eddie and lit it.

"Everyone back away before Alfie burns this place down!" Amber told everyone.

Alfie threw the match in the far corner. It didn't take long for the curtains to catch fire and everything else.

There was a high pitched scream. It was coming from the glass box.

"Run!" Patricia yelled.

"Guys let's get out of here quick" said Eddie before everyone ran out of the house back to the school.

They got back just in time as KT was walking into the office.

Suddenly the door swung open and out came Mr. Summers.

"We did it!" KT excitedly whispered.

"We did...we did" Fabian smiled to himself.

"Looks like the rest of the year will be normal... Well as normal as it can get here" Nina giggled.



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