Chapter 17: Frenimies

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Chapter 17

"Eh, we were just going for a walk", Patricia said before anyone else could speak.

"At this time of night?" Mrs. Summers made a face at Eddie.

"Yeah you're probably right, we shouldn't go", Patricia elbowed Eddie for him to agree.

"A-yes, yes we can't go. I'll get my dad so we can go", Eddie rubbed his ribs.

"I'll go with you", Patricia ran after Eddie.

"KT I expected more from you. Don't ever do that again", Mrs. Summers was disappointed with KT.

"Sorry mom", KT said and then walked away.

"Dad, Patricia and I are ready to go", Eddie knocked on the door before entering.

"Splendid! I will visit again, Mr. Summers", Mr. Sweet shook hands with Mr. Summers and then walked to Eddie and Patricia.

"Bye", Eddie mumbled so only his dad could hear him.

Patricia, Eddie and Mr. Sweet were now outside the gatehouse.

"You two better scurry off. It's almost curfew", Mr. Sweet checked his watch.

"Sure thing, see you tomorrow then", Eddie said bye in mannerly way.

The two teenagers ran back to Anubis resident.

"Where have you been?" Victor said as soon as they entered the house.

"We were with Mr. Sweet. If you don't believe us you can even ask him", Patricia shot back.

"It is your responsibility to be back on time! Off to bed now!" Victor wasn't taking that attitude.

They hurried into their bedrooms so Victor didn't blow.

"It is 10 o'clock. You have five minutes precisely and then I want to hear a pin...drop", Victor did his usual speech.

Eddie was now in his room and lucky enough Fabian was awake.

"Where were you and Patricia really?" Fabian hated when people lied to him.

"Look it doesn't matter I kn-" Eddie was cut off by Fabian.

"It does matter, Eddie! Where were you and Patricia?" Fabian yelling a tincy bit.

"Ugh, fine! My dad brought Patricia and I to the gatehouse", Eddie paused giving Fabian time to speak.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Fabian was hurt by this news.

"I'm sorry dude. But I have good news", Eddie lightened Fabian's mood.

"You do, tell me", Fabian wasn't too eager to learn what this news was.

"Patricia and I figured out who Frobisher's grate grandchild is", Eddie said to Fabian.

"What? Tell me already", Fabian was happy at this point.

"It's KT! Remember that girl, Patricia poured water over?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, I can't believe it's her. Wait a second, that means Mr and Mrs Summers are tricking KT", Fabian replied.

"How are we going to get her to trust us?" Eddie had no idea what to do.

"I don't know, I don't know", Fabian mumbled before hitting the light switch off.

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