Chapter 6- Liam- Chub Chub

Start from the beginning

Liam remembered his first couple of weeks with his powers. It was so strange and so clumsy! He had to try and find his balance again with all the new muscle he had packed on from his trip into the pod. He walked around like a drunken sailor or something.

Liam started to throw jabs at his special made punching bag. To others, it was like punching a brick wall. It probably felt as heavy too, but to Liam, it felt like punching his old punching bags from back in the day.

He thought back again to his powers. He wasn't just clumsy, he was almost reckless. Everything he touched broke or crumbled under his finger tips. He'd break forks in half, door knobs would crumple like paper, glasses would shatter when ever he tried to take a drink and he was way too scared to touch someone because he thought they would snap in half from the lightest touch.

Except when he had gotten mad at Louis that one day. He remembered when he had lost his temper and thrown him against the wall. He was so scared that he would hurt him. He didn't want to hurt people. He never did. Boxing was for self defense. Those bullies, they had hurt him first!

No, he didn't want to hurt people. He wanted to save them. That's all he ever wanted to do, save people.

He remembered when he was first approached by Simon and Xavier in his home town. It was right after a boxing match (which he had won) when he first saw them.

* * *

“Liam Payne, is it?” The older looking one said.

“Yeah,” Liam said, wiping sweat off his face and packing up his gym bag.

The older man stuck out his hand “Simon Cowell. And this is my colleague, Xavier Murphy,”

Liam shook their hands. “Nice to meet you,” He said, getting back to his gym bag.

“You've got some nice moves out there, Liam,” Simon said, crossing his arms over his chest and casually leaning against the fighting ring.

“Thanks,” Liam said, giving them a sincere smile.

“We've heard you're going to go pro pretty soon. And that you've been invited to run in the 2012 Olympics.” Said Xavier.

“Yeah I am. It's pretty exciting,” Liam wasn't exactly able to hide his grin any more.

“Professional boxer, Olympics competitor, smart, strong, you're quite an impressive person,” Simon said. “And you're only what... 16?”

“I will be in August,” Liam said, zipping up his bag. “Is there anything you two wanted in particular?” Liam asked. “I don't mean to sound rude, but I really do have to get going,”

“Actually, yes, there is,” Xavier said.

Liam gave them a puzzled look, but set down his gym bag and sat on the bench. “Alright, let's hear it,”

Xavier looked at Simon and Simon turned to Liam and spoke. “Liam,” He started. “We have an offer to make you. It's an offer that would require you to drop everything you have going on in your entire life. Your boxing career, the Olympics, everything.” Liam raised an eyebrow at the man's forwardness. Why would he start out a speech like that?

“I'm sorry,” Liam stood, “But I don't think I can do that,”

Simon shook his head and something about the look on the man's face made him sink back down onto the bench. “What I'm offering you, Liam Payne, is the opportunity to become something far greater than and Olympic gold medalist or a boxing world champion. I-” He looked at Xavier, correcting himself. “We are offering to make you a hero,”

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