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...she'll be nice to you, touko.


"May I help you?"

A woman with green hair opened the door, making Touko fiddle with her fingers. "Uh... my father left me, he had this." Touko held up the napkin, which wrote her address in green ink. "I don't know if it means anything, but my mom left when I was young and now my father left without telling me anything." She spoke, as the green haired women grabbed the napkin. "Oh, you can come in! I don't think I know him, but he must want me to take care of you for now. And I'm happy to do that!" The woman spoke, letting Touko in. She set her shoes by the door and looked around the strangers house, observing as much as she can. The atmosphere was different, it was hard to describe. Maybe... comforting?

"How old are you?" The woman asked as Touko sat on the purple couch that was located in the living room. "I'm 13." The girl said plainly, looking down at the floor. "Oh! My son is that age as well!"

"You have a son?" Touko looked up, only expecting there to be only her living in the house. "Yes! He's probably sleeping right now. Oh, did you have any breakfast? Oh wait, sorry for not introducing myself earlier! My name Inko Midoriya, but you can feel free to call Ms. Midoriya!" She bowed, making Touko rub the back of her head. "Uh, I only had some Oreos. And nice to meet you, my name is Touko Araki."

"It's nice to meet you! Let me prepare some breakfast for the two of you."

"Thank you."

There was a silence between them, as the only thing could be heard was the woman moving things around in order to make breakfast. She looked up, seeing her prepare some rice in a pot. Touko got up from the couch and walked over to her.

...scissors, touko.

"Do you have any scissors, Ms. Midoriya." Touko asked as the woman poured the rice into the pot that held hot water. "Yes! I think they're in the bathroom. The bathroom is over there, right near where the door is that says 'Izuku' on it." Touko nodded, saying thanks and left the kitchen. She hummed to herself, trying to keep her footsteps quiet so she wasn't able to wake up the boy she didn't meet yet. Touko located the bathroom, opening it and shutting it quietly the best that she can. She looked around, and finally spotted a pair of green scissors sitting by the sink. Touko grabbed them, looking into the mirror, staring straight at her hair. It was long, almost reaching down to her waist. The length, it reminded her of someone, she just couldn't think of who. Touko took a deep breath, as her hands started to shake a little.

...cut your hair, touko.

She looked back into the mirror, taking a deep breath and slammed her hands against the bathroom counter, the scissor almost making a cut on her hand. Tears threatened to fall, as her mind became blank. "Why... why am I crying." She mumbled to herself, raising the hand that didn't hold the green scissor and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

...your hair is like your mothers, touko.

Touko looked over back at the green scissor, that was under her right hand. She quickly grasped it, grabbing a fist full of all her hair and looking back in the mirror as her hands shook. "I can't believe this. I'm cutting my hair... because it looks like my moms?" Touko said, in a questioning manner as she let out a tired chuckle. Without a second thought, she opened the scissor over the huge mass of hair and closed the scissor. She let the scissors drop to the ground, as she looked down at the mass of hair that was now in her left hand. Touko gripped onto the mass of hair she just cut out, as tears formed in her eyes. "What's so important about my mom's hair anyway. Hell, what's so important about my mom." She whispered to herself, flushing the mass of hair down the drain, grabbing the scissors off the ground, and looked at the mirror, almost jumping at what she looked like.

Her hair was cut right below her jaw, though it still kept its volume, which Touko was thankful for. The hair would grow back probably down to her shoulders when she was 15 since her hair grew slower than most people. If any case it grew past her shoulders, she would just have to cut it again. She let out a sigh, holding onto the scissors as she headed out towards the kitchen, only to be greeted by the smell by finished breakfast. "Oh! Touko you cut your hair?!" Touko looked up, seeing Ms. Midoriya looking at her with a shocked expression, and a boy with curly, green hair. She avoided the question and looked over at the boy, making him flinch. "Is he your son?" Touko asked, sitting next to him as she looked at the bowl in front of her, which held rice, natto, and egg, all mixed together.

"Yes, he is! Introduce yourself, Izuku." The boy's mother said as Touko picked up her chopsticks. "M-My name is Izuku Midoriya! Nice to uh... meet you!" He said nervously, picking up his chopsticks, making Touko smile at his adorableness. "It's nice to meet you too, Izuku." Touko spoke as Izuku blushed, picking up some of her breakfast with the chopsticks she had in hand, and everyone started eating.


It was an hour after they had eaten breakfast, and Izuku and Touko hanged out with each other in Izuku's room. "When I was washing dishes with mom, she said she'll be able to get you your own bed and some furniture so you can stay in here!" He said as Touko looked around his room as she sat on the edge of his bed. "So, you like All Might?" She turned to him, making him blush out of nervousness. "U-Uh yeah! He's the coolest hero ever! I'm uh... quirkless... but I hope to become the number one hero!" He said, making Touko smile. "I haven't received my quirk either."

"Wha-- really?!"

"Hm, yeah. I hope to get my quirk soon, though, and maybe you will too!" The boy blushed, looking away as he rubbed the back of his head. He quickly turned back to her, the determination was written all over his face, shocking Touko slightly.

"I hope we both get our quirks and become the best heroes there ever was!"

"I hope so too."


please don't forget about us, touko.

((a/n: baby touko and mom araki, coming up in a few more chapters!))

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