• Chapter 21 •

Start from the beginning

"Whoa! Hey, Ziggler!" Emma stood up and called after Dolph Ziggler, who had passed by our table. "Come back here and sit with us."

He didn't seem affected by this, so he took a seat right beside me. He smiled at everyone, including me, but I didn't give him enough of my attention when I turned away and back to my old food.

"Have you guys met yet?" Emma asked of he and I, but all I managed to do was shrug. I knew exactly who the hell he was. He was Nikki Bella's ex-boyfriend. I also know that he's still madly in love with her, too, while she's with John Cena now. However, I'm not exactly sure if he and I have ever had a proper conversation.

"Yeah, we do," he told Emma, which took me by shock for a moment. How? "The last time we talked, she threatened to cut off my balls if I ever try to kiss Nikki again." Oh, shit. I guess we have had a conversation, but it definitely didn't seem to be proper, though. Oops!

"Yeah, well, sorry again for that," I apologized to him, startling myself. I peeked over my shoulder at him, but all he did was grin at me. "What the hell is your problem? Why are you smiling for?"

He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything right off the bat. He just laughed, looking directly at Emma and Zack. "What? I can't be happy?" he asked of me, now looking directly over my way. I shrugged and sighed once again, turning away and go back to ignoring him.

"She's been very down recently," Emma began to explain to him, hopefully not about to spill all of the beans to him. "She needs to be uplifted, but nothing's helped so far for us."

"Well, I am a part-time comedian," Ziggler pointed out, which only made me playfully roll my eyes. He couldn't that, of course. I felt him hit my arm lightly. "How about I tell you a joke, Britt?"

This suddenly, for some stranger foreign reason, intrigued me. So, I shifted my body to face him and tried to show him that I was uninterested, but I really was, truth be told. I just didn't want him to that, of course. All I wanted to do was feel somewhat happy again.

"Okay, so...," he paused for only a moment to take a deep breath for his joke, I'm guessing. "So, two foreign immigrants have just arrived in the U.S. by boat and one says to the other, 'I hear that the people of this country actually eat dogs.' 'Odd,' her companion replies, 'but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do.' Nodding emphatically, one of the immigrants points to a hot dog vendor and they both walk towards the cart. 'Two dogs, please,' she says. The vendor is only too pleased to oblige, wraps both hot dogs in foil, and hands them over the counter. Excited, the immigrants hurry to a bench and begin to unwrap their 'dogs.' One of them opens the foil and begins to blush. Staring at it for a moment, she turns to her friend and whispers cautiously, 'What part did you get?'"

I don't know what the hell happened next. All I know is that I end up somehow break out of my harden shell I have created for myself lately and busted out laughing at his little joke. It was so dirty and so fucking funny all in the same sense. It was so damn ridiculous most of all, though.

Emma, Zack, and Ziggler all joined in after a good minute when they realized that I wasn't faking the laughter. It was real. "Ha, you think that was funny?" Ziggler asked, laughing so hard that he may cry.

"Oh, my Gosh!" Emma gushed, giggling. "You actually did it! You've made her laugh!"

"Well, that joke was pretty ridiculous," Zack agreed, chuckling.

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