❄ 27 ❄ Discovering Masika Jafari-Attwater's Secrets ❄

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"I'm pregnant." she blurted out unexpectedly.

Wren turned to face her completely, gazing at her calmly.

"I know," she informed the other girl gently.

Nessie's chocolate brown eyes widened at her sudden confession, alarm, and fear flaring inside of them.

"Does anyone else know?" she asked the other girl in a whisper, a note of fear ringing in her soft voice.

"Jasper is the only one. Everyone else simply suspects something is off with you, that is all." Wren said in an attempt to console her.

Nessie stared at her, completely horrified as she began wringing her hands frantically.

"What am I going to do?" she breathed, tears welling in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Tell the family. They will not judge you. After all, you are a married woman." said Wren, patting the other girl gently on the shoulder.

"But what about my mom and dad?" Nessie breathed, her anxiety rising.

"Calm down and listen to me," said Wren, placing her hands on the other girl's shoulders and peering into her eyes seriously. "Tell them the truth. Your family will understand, although they will be frightened at first. When they had you, it was a horrifying experience for them. Your mother almost died and your father was nearly catatonic. That will not happen this time, not with you, not when I am here. You are just as strong as your parents, if not more so. They can handle this, I promise. Tell them."

Nessie remained silent, staring at her uncertainly.

"Trust me, Ness. If you keep this a secret for long, they will think that you don't trust them, especially after all they have done to keep you from the harm the Volturi would have surely inflicted if they found your parents and family guilty of creating an Immortal Child." Wren said to her, voicing the truth of the consequences, past and present.

Nessie looked away from her, her bottom quivering with her conflicting emotions.

"What if the Volturi finds out about my pregnancy and force me to leave my family?" she whispered, terrified. "I would die before that happens!"

Wren shook her head at the other girl's words. "If the Volturi ever found out about this, no one will ever let them take you. Your family will all die before letting that happen. Trust me, Ness, you have to tell them." she told her softly.

Nessie released a heavy sigh and then nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay," she replied quietly. "I'll tell everyone right now to get it over with."

Wren smiled sympathetically at her and wrapped her in a hug. "Everything will be alright. I'm here whenever you need me," she told her encouragingly.

Nessie nodded her head before hugging her back. Wren dropped her arms and linked her right arm through Nessie's left arm.

"Okay." she began, grinning at her. "Let's go tell the family the news."

Nessie smiled back at her and then both girls raced through the forest back towards the house.

❄ Twilight Forever ❄ Book 1 ❄ Cold Fall ❄Where stories live. Discover now