Epilogue (10 Years Later)

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  I rolled my wheelchair down the ramp in my house. Despite Hiro's protests and best efforts, I had decided I didn't want to get my spine fixed. I decided it was fine just the way it was, and I was perfectly mobile on the wheelchair. Although it was difficult, Hiro and I had decided that after we got married, we wanted to have children. My condition, fortunately, didn't affect anything reproductive-wise. I rolled my wheelchair back and forth, a comforting pacing replacement, as I waited for Hiro to get home. I had to be quiet, however, because I didn't want to wake Kaen, our only daughter at the moment. Baymax waddled his way down the stairs and watched me roll the chair back and forth a few times, then spoke up.
"Your blood pressure and heart rate have increased dramatically, and your neural hormones are showing signs of distress. Are you all right, Mae?" I stopped rolling and sighed, turning to face Baymax.
"I don't understand. We already had one child. I don't get why I'm so nervous about telling him that we're having another one."
"It is common to feel distressed in your scenario. Would you like me to tell Hiro for you?"
"That's really sweet, Baymax, but no thank you. I'm the one carrying the baby, so I should be the one to tell him." Just at that moment, the door opened, and Hiro walked in, looking tired and stressed. He hung up his coat, and the minute he saw me, his eyes lit up.
"Hey, Mae. How did your book writing go?" I held a finger to my lips and gestured my head towards the stairs.
"Kaen's asleep. If she gets woken up, she'll be really cranky." Hiro nodded and kissed my cheek, then walked over and flopped down on a chair at the kitchen table. "To answer your question, it went really well. The book's almost finished, much to my relief, so I should be able to send it to the publisher next week."
"That's great! I can't wait to read the finished project." I rolled my eyes.
"You've already been reading it over my shoulder. I think you know what's going on in the book." Hiro chuckled, his expression brightening for a moment. "What about you? How are things going at the company?"
"Pretty good." That statement was followed by a large yawn. "We're trying to get this next project done on time, but it's really complex, so it's a bit difficult."
"Oh, I'm sorry, honey."
"It's fine. What can you do, am I right?" I nodded.
"Do you want me to make you some food?" Hiro shook his head.
"I'll take care of it. You can go to bed if you want. It's kind of late."
"Now, you know I can't get into bed on my own."
"Right, right... well, I'll make myself some food, and then we can just sit and... talk. You know, like we used to."
"Up on top of the city, watching the stars?" Hiro nodded. "I'm really surprised Cass never noticed we were gone."
"Oh, speaking of Aunt Cass, that reminds me... She invited us and the others over for breakfast tomorrow."
"That sounds nice. It'll be great to see everyone again."
"Yeah. The last time we saw any of them was when Kaen was born." I nodded sleepily. Hiro put his dishes in the sink and we both went upstairs.
I'll just tell everyone tomorrow morning. That saves time.

We approached the old cafè, and Hiro opened the door for me, holding Kaen in one arm. She wore an adorable black and white dress, with a white flower headband. I smiled at her black hair and brown eyes, looking just like Hiro. Everyone else was already there, and when they saw us, we were practically tackled.
"Hiro! Mae!" One by one, we hugged and greeted all of them, and Kaen was swooped up by Honey Lemon and Gogo. I rolled my eyes and went over to the table. Everything was ready, so we all sat down at our places, with the exception of me. I just had to roll up to the table and I was fine. Bits and pieces of conversations were strung together, separated by everyone eating Cass' delicious food. When I was sure there was a lull in the conversation, I cleared my throat, and everyone focused on me.
"I have something exciting to tell you guys."
"Ooh, spill," Gogo urged. I rolled my eyes, since she and Honey Lemon already knew.
"Well, for starters, I finished my book this morning, so it should be sent off to the publishers this afternoon." Everyone cheered, and when they quieted down, I spoke again. "The other thing is that there are now going to be four members of Hiro and my family." Hiro's fork dropped beside me, and Fred, Wasabi, and Cass' mouths went wide. Honey Lemon beamed at me and Gogo smiled encouragingly. I turned to Hiro when I spoke again. "Surprise!" I joked. "I'm pregnant again." Hiro looked at me in disbelief for a moment, but I could tell he was happy.
"Are you being serious?" I nodded and smiled, which caused him to crack a big one. Right in front of everyone, Hiro kissed me long and hard, until we were interrupted by Kaen.
"Ew!" She cried. "Mommy and Daddy are kissing!" Everyone laughed and I turned to Kaen, who was sitting in Honey Lemon's lap.
"Kaen, you're going to have a little brother or sister! Are you excited?" Kaen began bouncing up and down in her aunt's lap.
"Yay! I'm gonna be a big sister!"
"Yes, yes you are!"
"Kaen, did you not like Mommy and Daddy kissing?" Kaen looked her father in the face and shook her head so hard I thought it was going to fall off her neck. "Well, then how would you feel if I did this?" Hiro kissed me once again, making a big scene out of it.
"Eeww!" Everyone laughed. "Uncle Wasabi, make them stop!"
"Hiro, Mae." We both looked at Wasabi and he jokingly wagged a finger at us. I rolled my eyes, but went back to eating my breakfast.

"Mae?" I looked up from my computer and turned my wheelchair around to face Hiro, who was lying in bed after his long day off. He got up and came over to me, pulling up his own desk chair and sitting down. "I've been thinking about this for years now, but I never wanted to bring it up." Hiro looked thoroughly distressed, which worried me.
"What is it?"
"Did the police ever catch your father after that battle with Callaghan?" I rolled it over in my mind, then calmly answered.
"I don't think so, but I wouldn't worry about it."
"What do you mean 'I wouldn't worry about it?' He's one of the most dangerous men I've ever met." I smirked at his ignorance.
"Well, I'm married to a superhero, and I can still fully operate those magnetic bracelets myself, so should an issue ever come up, I think we're covered." I kissed Hiro on the cheek.
"I think I deserve a little more than that, Mrs. Hamada." I rolled my eyes and quickly kissed his lips. He smirked and got closer to my face.
"Oh-ho, so that's how you want to play it? Well, good thing Kaen isn't around to scream 'ew.'"
I wasn't worried about the threat of my father. Everything I had right here was perfect.
I couldn't ask for anything better.  

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