Chapter 17

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        As much as I wanted to be left alone, Hiro kept talking to me in the car. I tried to tune out his voice, but he was always there. Of course, it also didn't help that he would not let me go.

"Mae, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, Hiro. I'm fine. I'm in one piece, I'm mostly unharmed, and I'm not dead, alright?"

"But that guy... Didn't he...?"

"Yes, but what's past has passed."

"But Mae..."

"Hiro, just drop it," I hissed."

"But your cheek..."

I looked at him with a death glare.

"What about my cheek?"

"It-it's got a red mark. In the exact same shape as a hand..."

"Yeah, that's because my dad slapped me there. End of story, okay? Let's just drop the subject and forget it never happened."

"But, Mae-"

"Hiro," Tadashi sighed. "Mae's asked you to drop it, so just drop it, alright? She clearly doesn't want to talk about it."

Hiro opened his mouth to protest, but then shut it, clearly not wanting to make me any angrier than I already was. I turned back to the matter I had been wondering about. I took out my phone from my back pocket and turned it on. The time read five thirty-seven a.m. I looked over at Hiro, then back out the window next to me. I put my phone back in my pocket and stared at the scenery passing by. No one spoke, and there wasn't even any music playing on the radio. I sat there, being slowly lulled to sleep by the gentle movement of the car, and the oddly soothing noise of the car's engine. The last thing I thought before I nodded off to sleep was the image of my father burned into my mind.

It's dark. Very dark. All that surrounds me is darkness. And I am no exception. There's one small mirror, and when I look at myself, I'm made of nothing but grey ashes. The only things that stand out are my violet eyes, piercing through the ash and dust. When I turn around, there's a small beam of light in the distance. I stand there, staring at it, when the beam speaks.

"Mae..." The voice is Hiro's. "Mae, I'm trying to help you. Please, come to me. Come to the light. You will be freed from your ashen state. If you let me protect you, you'll never have to be in danger again. I'll always protect you from harm."

I opened my mouth to try to speak, but no words came out. I couldn't speak. Rather than dwelling on it, I began to run towards the light. I stopped short, however, when I noticed that with every step, more of my ashen self blows away. But my stubbornness takes over, and I rush towards the light. By the time I get there, however, all I am is a pair of violet eyes.

"Be careful, Mae," a new voice calls. "Your stubbornness will destroy you."


Sorry this is so short! 

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