Chapter 15

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 Warning. There are some slightly suggestive comments and themes in this chapter.


I woke up at some odd time to knocking on the front door. I groped around and found my glasses, slipping them onto my face. The knocking continued and I got up, walking towards the door. I knew, deep down, that it was a bad idea to answer the door in the middle of the night, but, as I just mentioned, it was also the middle of the night, so clearly my head was not working. I walked over and opened the door, but saw nothing. I looked left, right, and down, but saw nothing. I shrugged, and was about to close the door, when a rough, gloved arm reached out and grabbed me around my neck, clamping a hand over my mouth. I thrashed and kicked, trying to break free. The figure dragged me out of the house and shut the door. I managed to get one of my legs in a position where I was able to kick the figure on their shin. I thought that had made an effect, when I felt something slam down on my head, and after a brief moment of pain, everything went dark.

I could feel myself coming to, and I blinked open my violet eyes. My glasses were still on my face, but they had been broken, and the left lens was shattered. I tried to stand, but I was tied to a chair. I looked around, but I couldn't really see where I was. I tried to wiggle out of the ropes, but to no avail. I soon heard footsteps and stopped struggling. The figure was only visible through my right eye, but I knew exactly who it was.

"Dad!' I shrieked. "What are you doing?"

He sauntered up to me, clearly drunk, and got right in my face. His breath smelled of the retched stench of beer as he spoke.

"You kept running away, Mae. I had to keep you here."

"No! Dad, why?! Why are you doing this?!"

"I have someone who wants to meet you."

My dad moved away and beckoned to someone. They entered the circle of light, and I saw it was a person about my age. But other than that, the details seemed blurred. He approached my chair and sat down, right on my lap, facing me. He pulled me into a rough, drunken kiss, and then smirked at me. He moved his hands from my cheeks down to my waist. He slowly began untying the ropes, but pinned me down with one arm.

"Now... let's begin."

I woke up again, what felt like years later. I was lying on the ground, retied to the chair. My glasses were who knows where, and my mind was foggy.

Come on, Mae. Think! You went to answer the door, someone kidnapped you, that someone turned out to be your dad. You woke up, tied to a chair, your dad introduced you to someone, he kissed you, and then...

Oh.... oh gods...

I struggled and fought, but instead of trying to get out of the chair, I was trying to reach for my phone. I worked my hand into my back pocket, and finally, finally, reached my phone and got it. I struggled to bring it out to my vision, unlocked it, typed in a number, and raised it to my ear the best that I could. It rang once, twice, three times, four times, five...

I was just about to hang up when someone answered.

"Mae?! Mae?!"

"Hiro! It's me!"

"Mae, where are you? I heard you scream, and when I went downstairs, you were gone!"

"Hiro... I have no idea where I am! My... my dad, h-he kidnapped me." I tried not to cry, but it was so hard. "I woke up, tied to a chair, and there was this boy, and he... and he..."

"He what?"

I paused.

"I'd rather not say..."

Hiro seemed to pick up on what I was saying.

"Oh my god... Mae..."

"Don't. Don't apologize. It's not your fault."

There was a brief pause, and then a new voice spoke.

"Mae? Mae, it's Tadashi! Your phone has a tracker on it. We're coming to get you, okay?"

"Yes! Yes! Oh gods, thank you, Tadashi!" I was crying I mix of happy and sad tears now.

"Just stay where you are and we'll come get you."

Hiro's was the last voice I heard.

"Don't worry, Mae. We're going to find you. I promise."

I hung up and let myself cry.


I'm sorry! That chapter may have been a bit intense! I'm so sorry if it made you uncomfortable!!!

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