Chapter 16

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 I sat in the everlasting darkness, alone, waiting for Hiro and Tadashi's rescue. I was crying on the inside and out, hanging on to a faint thread of hope. The clock was ticking away behind me, but I couldn't see the time. My mind and vision were blurry.

Hiro... Goddammit Hiro! Please, please! I thought. Come quickly! Hurry, before my dad-

As if my thoughts were being read, I heard the door behind me slam open. The string of hope got thicker.

"Hiro? Tadashi? Is that you?"


That was not the voice I wanted to hear at all. My father came around the edge of the chair and looked me in the eyes. I swallowed, hard, pushing down my fear.

"Why were you asking for the Hamada boys?" He hissed.

"Oh, uh... no reason..."

My father slapped my left cheek. The spot where he hit tingled like someone was brushing feathers across my cheek. I wanted to put my hand on the welt, but my arms and, as a result, my hands, were tied down.

"You will tell me, Mae Lily Rouge! Do you hear me? You will answer me!"

"No!" I screamed, bravery building in me, though the string of hope was fraying. "You out me through abuse and neglect for eight years! You literally just let me get raped! You sat there and fricking watched! That is not good parenting! I left because you are a horrible person, and you deserve to live alone and die a horrible death! Do you hear me?!"

At that moment, the string of hope snapped. My father grabbed the chair and began dragging me away.

"You just said the wrong thing at the wrong time, Mae! You're going to pay for what you've just said!"

He dragged me into his room and dug around in a drawer. He pulled out a small box, and whipped out a tiny stick. I looked over and saw that he was holding a box of matches.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I screamed.

My dad was about to run the match along the sandpaper, when the door burst open, and there stood what I really wanted to see. Hiro, Tadashi, and Aunt Cass stood there, along with three armed police officers, and my face brightened. Hiro and Tadashi rushed over to me to help untie the ropes, while the police officers arrested my dad. They gave their long, boring arrest speech, and Hiro and Tadashi got the last rope undone. My legs were weak and I collapsed into Hiro's arms. He propped me up, and helped walk me over to Aunt Cass. The police dragged my father away, and Aunt Cass scooped me into her arms.

"Oh! Oh, sweetie! I'm so glad you're alright! I was so worried!"

She put me back down and I collapsed back into Hiro's arms.

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