Chapter 25

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  We all burst through the doors, elated, as Hiro held up the envelope in triumph. Aunt Cass quickly caught up to us, just as excited as we were.

"Alright geniuses, let's feed those hungry brains! Everyone, back to the Café, dinner is on me!"



"Nothing is better than free food! Unless it's moldy!"

"Hey, uh, Aunt Cass," Tadashi piped up, "we'lll-uh... we'll catch up, alright?"

"Okay." She suddenly jumped up and wrapped Hiro up into a hug. "Oh, I'm so proud of you!" She slung her arm around Tadashi. "I'm proud of both of you!" She then walked away as Honey Lemon approached Tadashi.

"Hey, you coming?" She smiled warmly.

"Yeah, I'm just going to talk to Hiro and Mae for a moment. I'll see you back at the Café."


Tadashi hastily kissed her lips.


She walked away as I chuckled to myself. Hiro rolled his eyes next to me, showing his disgust, and Tadashi motioned for us to follow him. He led us to a small overlook away from almost everything. Tadashi rested against the railing, and Hiro spoke as I did the same.

"I know what you're going to say:" He put on his best Tadashi impression. "I should be proud of myself because I'm finally using my gift for something important."

"No, I was just going​ to tell you that your fly was down for the whole show."

"Oh, haha." Just to make sure, Hiro looked down. "Aw, what?" Hiro zipped up his fly and punched his brother as Tadashi and I chuckled.

"Ah," Tadashi cried as Hiro hit him, almost as if to say 'what did I do?' Hiro settled down and leaned against the railing, right next to me. "Welcome to Nerd School, nerd."

"Thanks... Listen, uh, you helped me get here... so, thanks for, you know, not giving up on me, and all that."

Tadashi smiled, and everything seemed right.

But in an instant, everything can shatter.​

Suddenly, blaring alarms and screams pierced the delicate skin of the air. The three of us glanced at each other, then raced off to the school building. As we got closer, smoke came into my line of vision, and when we went up to the structure, smoke, fire, and terrorized people were pouring out. Tadashi raced up to one of the fleeing judges and tried to help her.

"Are you alright?" He asked warily.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but... Professor Callaghan's still in there!" She pointed to the building as she dashed off. Tadashi glanced at the burning building for a moment, then started to run towards it. Acting fast, I grabbed Tadashi's wrist, stopping him.

"Tadashi, no!" I cried. He looked at me, then the building, and then back at me.

"Callaghan's still in there... Someone has to help."

He broke free from my grip and ran into the building. As he did, his hat flew off, prompting Hiro to race over and pick it up. We glanced at each other, clearly having the same thought. We both took only a step, and the building collapsed, sending us both flying backwards. Pain raced through my head as I raised it, looking at the school in shock and horror. The support beams of the structure had collapsed from being eaten away by fire. There was no way Tadashi survived.

"Tadashi!" Hiro cried as ambulances and fire trucks finally pulled up, too little too late. Black spots began to cloud my vision, overtaking my mind like a parasite, and with one final shock of pain, I collapsed and allowed myself to pass out.

I Didn't RealizeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora