Chapter 27

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 Hiro and I raced down the stairs as Hiro attempted to slip on his hoodie. We raced through the cafe and almost got out the door, when Aunt Cass ended up blocking our path and noticing us.

"Hiro... Mae..." She seemed shocked to see the two of us together, up and about. "You're up..."

"Yeah." Hiro's voice was a bit high-pitched. It was a miracle Aunt Cass hadn't figured out that we were rushing out for a reason."Figured it was... time." I resisted the urge to face palm at his horrible excuses.

"That's great, hon! Are your going to enroll?" I was seriously dumbfounded that she didn't notice how distracted Hiro was. He was looking over her shoulder, out the door, and it was super obvious that he was, and she somehow still didn't notice.

"Yeah, I'm going to." His voice was far-off and distant, like the night Tadashi took us to SFIT. "Thought about what you said, really inspiring." Hiro had begun snaking his way around Aunt Cass, and I followed.

"Alright! Special dinner tonight! I'll whip up some chicken wings, you know, the ones with the hot sauce that makes out faces melt."

"Awesome!" I smiled, trying to rush Hiro and I out the door so that we could catch Baymax. We almost got out when Aunt Cass stopped us one last time.

"Last hug," she said, pulling Hiro and I into a tight, suffocating hug. It only lasted a few seconds, but to two fourteen-year-olds in a rush, it seemed like an eternity. She finally let us go, and as soon as she walked away, Hiro flung open the door, grabbed my wrist, and we practically flew out the door. Hiro and I made a mad dash down the street, flying past cars and trucks that were suddenly stopping for us. It was a miracle that no one had gotten in a car accident because of Hiro, Baymax, or myself.

"Baymax!" Hiro cried as we raced down a hill. Hiro and I looked around, we spotted Baymax on a trolley, staring down at the small Microbot in the clear petri dish. We raced after the trolley car and followed Baymax as he climbed off the ancient car and walked through a large crowd, oblivious to the cries from Hiro and I.

"Baymax!" I screamed, Hiro's hand still firmly wrapped around my wrist. We raced through the crowds that were already parting for the large, moving balloon-person. Hiro and I screamed out his name, following in a close pursuit. Finally, after what seemed like hours of running, Baymax came to a halt in front of some sort of old, abandoned warehouse. Hiro skidded to a stop and slammed against the ground, letting go of my wrist before he crashed.

"Hiro!" I cried, helping him up. He seemed to shake off his scraped areas very quickly and raced to meet Baymax. I shrugged and walked over, my heart rate finally getting close to back-to-normal. Hiro stood on one side of Baymax, with me on the other. Baymax didn't look up until Hiro snatched the petri dish from him.

"I have found where your tiny robot wants to go," he finally stated.

"I told you," Hiro cried, exasperated, "it's broken! It's not trying to go... anywhere..." Hiro stopped speaking, now staring in slight amazement at his Microbot. I looked down at the small robot as Hiro moved back and forth, confirming what Baymax had been saying: the Microbot was trying to go somewhere. Why it was an old, abandoned warehouse confused me, but I got a sick feeling in my gut, which meant it probably wasn't good.

Either that, or it was the lack of food getting to me.

"How are we supposed to get in?" I sighed, looking at the large padlock and chain wrapped around the door. Hiro and Baymax looked around a bit, and Baymax gave us an answer. He pointed at some high point, and Hiro and I followed his gaze.

"There is a window."

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