Day 4

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Time for Day 4! Today I am telling you my favorite Beatles quote!

Mine is "Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted" or "Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands, and the rest of you if you would just rattle your jewelry." Unintentionally both John Lennon quotes😆

QOTD: What's your favorite Beatles quote?

ok now I'm gonna rant for a bit just cuz I want to use this one song reference since its stuck in my head. *Radio GaGa playing softly in the background*

What ever happened to today's music?

Back in the 20th century there were these things called musicians, and they used the power of noise to create pleasing sounds called music. While they were payed a lot for this music, they wrote from the heart and were passionate about their music.

Today, while these musicians still exist, they are rare. Their species is being taken over by fake musicians, who create horrible sound that is considered music to make money. Please, help save the musician species from these imposters.

*Radio GaGa chorus*

*puts arms above head*
ALL WE HEAR IS *clap clap*
RADIO GA GA *clap clap*
RADIO GOO GOO *clap clap*
RADIO GA GA *clap clap*
ALL WE HEAR IS *clap clap*
RADIO GA GA *clap clap*
RADIO BLAH BLAH *clap clap*

Call the number on your screen today to show the radio someone still loves them.


sorry that's not Beatles related I'm just in a Queen mood today and Radio Ga Ga was stuck in my head so I decided to do something about that because I think all of you, like me, hate most modern music. Ok peace and love y'all!

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