The Signs as Wacky Beatles Moments

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*WARNING: some mature content, read at your own risk!*

In case u carn't see the media:

Aries: Bob Dylan introducing them to pot.
Taurus: John asking Jane how girls masturbate.
Gemini: George losing his virginity in Hamburg and everyone clapping for him. My favorite Beatles story!
Cancer: The wanking sessions.
Leo: Paul making them play Maxwell's Silver Hammer over and over.
Virgo: Ringo being too stoned to remember.
Libra: The dentist spiking their coffee with LSD.
Scorpio: That girl who tried to mail herself to the Beatles. Omg I'm a Scorpio I would totally do that!
Sagittarius: "You'll stay on the f*cking label.
Hare Krishna."
Capricorn: Yoko eating George's biscuit.
Aquarius: Setting fire to a condom. O.o
Pisces: Ringo bringing a suitcase full of beans to India. Duh what else would he eat there

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