Ch. 23 - Salvation [edited]

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They looked older than you: wiser, scarier. They towered above you like you were some kind of bug they could squish with the bottom of their shoe anytime they'd like. And technically, they could. You were strapped down, immobile, and they seemingly had a cart full of torture devices.
The blonde Creepypasta that had originally dragged you here in the first place was no longer beside you to provide protection.
What were you going to do?
Escaping wasn't an option, was it?
You stared in horror as one of the boy's hands gripped the bloody scissors tightly and brought it close to your face.
You opened your mouth, to scream, yell, screech, but no sound came out. Very convenient.
"Wait," The black-masked one exclaimed. "Fuck, I forgot the..." he completed
"Are you fucking serious?" The light-brown haired one reclaimed as he set the scissors down at the side of your face.
You tried to sigh in relief, but your body seemed to still be in shock.
They stormed out, their hands in their pockets, mumbling curse words at each other.
As the clank of the door sounded again, you moved fast. As stupid as it may sound, you started slowly but surely moving them closer to your hands. You cut through the leather, not taking the time to rub the open wounds that oozed blood caused by the burn of the strips on soft skin.
You ran to the door, and it was the only time the sound of it symbolized something good.
Freedom, please. You begged to nobody.
You looked around, panicking, not knowing how much time was left in your clock. You felt every beat of your heart as it thumped in your ear, loud and clear.
Pump, pump, pump.
Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you ran, in a direction, any direction, until you reached a point where there was nothing but trees and leaves.
They can't find me here, you thought.
And so, with your heart still beating as hard as a drum, you collapsed, hiding in a pile of leaves.

I have a heart? ー BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now