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Lauren's Point of view.

Its raining.

It was raining so hard, as if the sky was crying. 

I tried to reach my phone and check for the weather update. But it was on my bag on the back seat. I already put it on Airplane mode though.

"Ugh, whatever!" I groaned and  continued driving.I tried to focus on the road. But the rain is really blocking my sight.

"Damn," I mumbled.

Seemed like the sky felt my sadness, it cries for me. There's a part of me that wants to go back, and talk to Camila. But i'd rather just let this pass for now.

Just for now.

I need to forget her. Just for a while. I came back to her life on a very wrong timing. I broke her, change her views about happy endings.

It just made me hate my self more, for not telling her the truth that night, and now i have to suffer the consequences, and that is losing Camila forever.

I sighed and  tried to clear my mind.

Then suddenly something caught my eye. From my right side, there's a boy running towards the road, towards the direction of my car.

 I quickly shiftes the gear of my car to the left to avoid hitting the boy. Luckily a man who is about to cross the road prevented the boy from running and i was not able to hit him.
But the wheel of the car had lost its control and gone slippery. Im not able to control my direction. I tried to regain control of my car, rotating my steering wheel as fast as i could so i could go back to the road.

"Shit," I muttered. The breaks are not working. The car continued moving.

"Stop!" I yelled

I noticed that im about hit a concrete barricade on the side of the road. I did everything I could but the wheels are unstable, i stepped on the breaks so hard but nothing happened. 

It took one second, on a fraction of time when the car hit the barricade. I felt the crash. I hit the barricade so hard.

Because of the pressure, i hit my head on the front part of the car, even though i wore a seatbealt, the force from hitting the barricade is to powerful, it made me threw my face on steering wheel. I felt how painful it is when my head bounced back. I raised my hand to feel my head. Christ. That is so painful.

I felt something warm is falling from my head.It was fresh blood.
"Damn," I whispered.

I tried to get out of the car, but i cant barely move. Im shaking, and now i cant feel my legs.

"H,-help." I tried to scream, but my voice is shaking.

Its still raining. Its was raining so hard, as if the sky was crying. Seemed like the sky felt my sadness, it cries for me.

Im getting dizzy, im getting sleepy. And then my eyes started closing by itself.

It's starting to get all dark and blurry.

Then there's NOTHING....


Camila's point of view

"Ugh! Really? Traffic Jam!" I groaned and punched the steering wheel of my car. It was raining so hard plus traffic jam. Seriously?

I ran my hand through my hair.

How am i able to reach Lauren in time. The traffic sucks. This rain sucks!!!!

The Story Of Us 1 (CAMREN) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin