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Camila's Point of view.

I shut my eyes tightly as i sat comfortably at the back seat of my car. I attended three interviews today and im tired as fuck. I've been everywhere lately promoting my book, and even though it was a hit, i am still required promote it and sign some books for my fans.

"All set now, Camila. Time to go home." Elsa, my secretary, spoke smiling at me.

"Where are we going now?" Willy, my driver, asked.

"Let's go home, i'm really tired and i want to eat banana," I answered. They laughed at me.

"What?" I giggled. "I miss my bed, and we have a huge day tomorrow, i need some beauty rest."

Tomorow will be a busy day. Fifth Harmony was invited to be in the spread of Time Magazine's cover next next month. We were considered as the biggest girlgroup of all time.

When we arrived at the apartment, i lay on the sofa then checked my phone.  I was browsing random post, random sad love quotes and read some reviews for my book,

There are so many comments about my book, and most of them are sad and confused, because it has a sad ending.

I sighed, while staring blankly at the ceiling. It's just the way it is. I  wanted to write something realistic. Love is not always about happy endings, in reality, it is always about what you learned. Happy or sad endings, in the end of the day, whatever it is that love will teach you, you have to treasure it.

"Hi beautiful!" Nick arrived. He brought me flowers.

"Hey," I stood up from the sofa. Nick gave me a quick kiss and lend me the flowers. "Thanks," I said.

"Let me help you with that," Elsa entered the room, she got the flowers from me. "I'll just put it on a vase," She said, then she left us alone.

Nick and I sat at the couch.
"So what brought you here?"
I asked.

"I wanted to see you.." He spoke smiling at me. "Your smile made my day complete," He said shyly.

"Oh," I awkwardly smiled at him. I'm cringing so hard with his pick up lines. But he's really sweet and such a gentle man, he never took advantage of me or anything.

"My parents are coming over this weekend. I would like you to meet them Camila," Nick spoke.

"Oh. Why?" I spoke confused.

"Because i like you Camila, you know that right? I would really want to know you more and want you to meet my parents because you are so special to me," Nick spoke. "I want the most important person in my life, to meet the most special person in my heart,"

"Wow," I breathed.
Nick Jonas, Where have you been all my life.

"That's really flattering Nick," I said, feeling so overwhelmed.

Nick smiled, then he held my hand.
"Camila, i want you to be my girlfriend,"


"I know it's too early to ask you about it, but i dont want to let you go" He said."I can see my future with you, im not going to hurt you, if yore worried about that."

Nick Jonas. What are you doing to me? Saying all the right words?

I looked at him confused. Trying to decode my thoughts.

Karla Camila Estrabao Cabello! Hello? That is Nick fucking Jonas in front of you? He's the man of your dreams! Go for it! My mind was screaming. 

My brain wants this, but my heart...... doesn't.

"N-nick, can you like give me some time to think? I mean, i like you too," I took a deep breath.
"Don't get me wrong, but its been a long time since ive been in a relationship,"

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