Doing as she normally always did, she opened the door to the room without knocking. Gulping slightly she was met with the familiar eyes of the boys who were outside of the family party a couple of months ago. Adam was stood about to take a shot at pool when he turned to look at what all of his friends were staring it. He was confused as to why Amy had come over without telling him, so walked towards her confusedly. 

Niall was sat on one of the stools placed next to the bar and looked at the situation in front of him. He recognised the girl who was Adam’s younger cousin and remembered how beautiful she was. Today she was wearing very casual clothing yet she still looked stunning to him. It took him a few moments to then realise that she was the girl that Harry hurt yesterday. Adam would be pissed if he found out. He looked back at Amy and made eye contact with her. She had light, green eyes which had him completely mesmerised. 

He needed to snap out his trance fast. He then turned away from everyone and gulped down the entirety of his drink. What was he doing? He doesn’t ever like girls. They were a waste of time. Harry had noticed Amy straight away and laughed very loudly, causing her to move her eye contact to his direction. She gasped inwards in recognition and then shifted on her feet awkwardly, wiggling her toes like she always did when she was nervous. 

“Oi, oi!” Harry chanted which caused everyone to snap his head in his direction. This whole situation was becoming extremely awkward for Amy and she suddenly regretted coming here. 

“You.” She spat at Harry and glared at him. Adam saw this and furrowed his brows in misunderstanding.

“Are you alright, Ames?” He questioned her. 

“Yeah.” She muttered. “I came to talk to you…” She drifted off her words as she continued to look at Harry, noticing that he was smirking at her whilst glancing up and down her body like she was a piece of meat. She switched her attention back to Adam, who nodded at her, taking her wrist and dragged her out of the room. 

“What’s wrong?” He noticed straight away that something was upsetting her; her puffy, red eyes were the most obvious reason. 

“Who are all of those guys?” She spat out straight away, not thinking before she spoke. 

“They’re my friends?” He answered questionably, which made her frown at him. 

“Well they’re not very friendly.” She stated monotonously.

“What?” Adam was beginning to get annoyed; she was treading on a thin line here. She could never find out about the boys and what they did. 

“Well, I remember them from your Mum’s birthday. Oh and this also proves my point.” She turned around which caused her back to face Adam; he was completely baffled as she lifted up the back of her jumper, revealing her grazed and bruised body to him. He stepped towards her and touched her back to try and assess her wounds. She winced and took a step away from him, lowering her jumper and turning to face him again. 

“Which one of them did it?” Adam asked in a furious tone.

“Who are they?”  She commanded. 

“Who did it Amy?” He questioned again, completely ignoring her demand. Her eyes flickered between Adam and the door, he then, without warning, grasped her wrist again and stormed back into the room. “Who was it!?” He boomed in her face, which only made her cringe and wriggle out of his grasp. Her eyes immediately wandered towards Harry, who had an amused expression plastered onto his face. Adam followed her gaze and then huffed loudly; he should have figured straight away that it was Harry.

He stormed towards Harry and grabbed him by the collar on his shirt, pinning him up against the wall. 

“You’re such a fucking wanker!” He screamed in his face , which only made Harry chuckle. He tried to push Adam off of him but failed as he shoved Harry against the wall. Niall then assessed the situation and decided to intervene. 

“What’s your problem, mate?” Niall asked Adam, trying to pry his hands off of Harry. Adam refused to let go and just took one of his hands and pointed at Amy. She looked absolutely petrified and tried to back out of the room. She felt shocked and worried at what she was currently seeing her cousin do. Niall looked at Amy kind-heartedly and then glanced back towards Adam. “You need to calm the fuck down.” He stated. 

Adam knew not to annoy Niall any further when he used that tone of voice. He let go of Harry and sighed loudly. Harry was still laughing at the situation which only made Adam even more pissed off. He looked at Harry and punched him square in the jaw, without any warning. He then took a step away from him and watched as he clutched his face. He had caused him to bleed which made him satisfied with himself. 

Adam then turned to face Amy again and took a hold of her hand, dragging her out of the door. 


This is a slight cliff-hanger, the next chapter will be a continuation from this :)

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