Chapter 18

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By the time they left the kids were passed out in the backseat.

"I had a really good time." Summer said.

"I did too." TJ said. "The kids are wore out."

"Yeah they are." Summer agreed. 

"The time we spent with you has been absolutely wonderful." TJ said.

"It has. I was actually thinking about that. We've been together for a long time now. I mean you can say no and I promise you it won't hurt my feelings." Summer said. "I was wondering since I have the room for you and the kids if you would want to move in with me?"

TJ swallowed. It never crossed his mind. He hated being a part from Summer and this was a way for him to be closer to her. TJ smiled. "Are you sure you can put up with all three of us?"

"I know I can put up with all three of you. I love having you all around." Summer said.

"I know I love being around you. Waking up next to you. Falling asleep next to you." TJ smiled. "Yes we will move in with you."

Summer smiled. She was excited. This was what being a family was all about and she was really glad that she could try doing that with TJ. 

Once home the kids got out of the car and went upstairs to play until dinner was ready. Summer made chicken pot pie. TJ started to write his book. After putting the food into the oven Summer went over to TJ.  "I know it's the last night you have the kids did you maybe want to have a movie night after dinner?" Summer asked.

"What did you have in mind?" TJ questioned.

"Finding Dory." Summer said.

"I would love to. Let's see if the kids would like to watch it." TJ said.

Summer smiled. She loved TJ. 

TJ went to get the kids for dinner. Soon they came back and Summer was setting the table.

"So since it's your last night with us, until you have to go back to your mom's Summer was wondering if you guys would like to watch a movie with us?" TJ said.

"Sounds good." Avery said.

"What movie?" Amelia asked.

"Finding Dory." TJ smiled.

"Yes!" Melody shouted. "My favorite movie."

"Yes that sounds good." Avery said.

"There's also something else we need to talk about." TJ said.

Summer began to dish out the plates. Melody got up in her chair.

"What's that?" Amelia asked.

"Summer has asked me to move in with her and Melody, what do you think about that?" TJ asked.

"That's awesome." Avery said.

"We got a new sister." Amelia shouted.

TJ smiled as the kids got into their chair. They ate a nice meal together until they piled onto the couch. Summer cuddled in TJ's arms. Melody sat on the floor with Amelia and Avery sat next to TJ. The movie started off pretty good until Dory didn't think her parents were alive. TJ wiped away his tears.

"I love a man that can cry over something like this." Summer said.

TJ smiled at Summer. Love, TJ finally feels it but yet he's deathly afraid to say those words to Summer. He thinks he already knows how Summer feels. He heard what she said in the court room that day.

"Dad?" Avery said.

"Yeah buddy." TJ said.

"Do I have to go back to mom's?" Avery  looked up at TJ.

"Yeah tomorrow you do. The way the courts set it up." TJ said.

"I don't want to go." Avery said.

TJ could see the hurt in his eyes. "Why don't you want to go back to your mom's?" TJ asked.

"Cause I don't like her boyfriend and I like staying with Summer." Avery said.

"I know you like staying with Summer. But next time you come we will have you all moved in." TJ said trying to ease Avery's mind.

"Why can't Summer be my mom?" Avery asked.

"It don't work like that buddy. I'm sure that she would love to be." TJ said.

Summer felt her heart swell. She loved this man and his kids.  

"Why don't you guys say good night to Summer and we will head up to bed." TJ said.

Avery went over and gave Summer a hug. "Why don't you tuck us in?" 

Summer looked at TJ. "Alright we both will tuck you in."

Summer followed TJ and the kids up stairs. The girls went into their room first and TJ and Summer tucked them both in. By the time they got to Avery he was sitting up in bed. 

"Dad can you give us a minute." Avery said.

Summer smiled as TJ stepped out of the room. 

"Summer, I'm really glad my dad meant you. I like you a lot but I want to ask you if I could call you mom?" Avery said. "I know someday your going to marry my dad and I can't wait for that."

Summer felt the tears swell in her eyes. "If you want to call me mom that's perfectly fine." Summer said. "Only if you are comfortable."

" Thanks." Avery hugged Summer. "I love you."

"You're welcome and I love you too." Summer tucked Avery into bed. Getting up Summer left the room to see that TJ was standing there at the door.

"Dad you can come in now." Avery said.

TJ went and tucked Avery in. "Good night bud."

"Good night dad." Avery said.

TJ then went downstairs to see Summer was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. "I got a glass for you." Summer said.

TJ sat down next to Summer and took the glass. "Do you want to tell me what you and Avery talked about?"

"No I can't tell you." Summer smiled. "You will see."

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