Chapter 4

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Tamara walked down to see that Avery was putting the dishes into the sink. 

"Hey buddy I can do that." Tamara said.

"Okay. Mom?" Avery looked at her with his big beautiful eyes.

"Yes." Tamara said.

"Are you and mom fighting?" He asked with a look of concern on his face.

"Yes we are." Tamara said knowing she can't lie to their son.

"Is it because of me?" Avery asked.

"No it's not because of you." Tamara reassured him.

"Mom?" Avery said.

"Yes." Tamara smiled.

"Are you going to become a boy?" Avery asked.

Tamara swallowed. "Buddy how about we discuss this other day. I need you to take your sister up stairs and you two clean your rooms. Then when I'm done eating I will start your baths." Tamara said.

"Okay but just so you know Mom if you become a boy I will still love you." Avery said.

Tamara bent down and pulled Avery into a hug. 

"Thanks buddy. That means a lot." Tamara said as she pulled away and kissed the top of Avery's head.

"You're welcome." Avery said.

Tamara put her food in the microwave to heat it up. She opened a beer and pulled out her phone she texted Summer.

I know you said I can talk to you. I could really use and ear along with some advice. 

Tamara finished up as she waited for Summer to text back. Putting her plate in the sink Tamara headed upstairs to see that the kids were done cleaning their rooms.  She went and started Amelia's bath water first. Amelia didn't say much. She went into the bathroom and did her thing. Once she was done she went to her room and put on her pajamas. Tamara went and tucked Amelia into bed and put on her favorite show Rugrats.

"Good night mom." Amelia said. "I love you."

"Good night. I love you too." Tamara kissed the top of her head then went to start Avery's bath. 

Her phone went off. Tamara looked at it to see it was Summer.

Well tomorrow maybe you can spare the time and we can discuss it. I can always have Olivia watched them since we never really discussed what her job was. -Summer

I think I can wait until then. -T

Tamara got Avery into his bath. Avery was splashing around. Soon her finished and raced to his room to get his pajamas on. Tamara turned on SpongeBob for Avery and gave him a kiss goodnight.

"Night. I love you." Avery said.

"Good night bud. I love you too." Tamara smiled. 

Leaving his room she looked down the hall to see that Carla had the bedroom door shut. Sighing Tamara headed downstairs where she was going to get comfortable on the couch. Laying down she tossed and turned trying to find a spot. After about three hours Tamara managed to fall a sleep.

By morning Tamara woke to see that Carla left a note on counter. Take Avery to work with you and Amelia to school. That is if you have time for that. Cause you still need to think if you want to risk losing us all to become transgender.

Sighing Tamara made the kids breakfast as they came down the stairs carrying their bag packs. Tamara placed the food on the table as the kids sat down. 

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