"Well? Do you have anything to say, bitch? Or are you finally going to shut up and take the beating like you used to?" Liz taunted. I rolled my eyes. Like hell I'm going to roll over and take it.

"Did she really just-"

"Yes, I really just rolled my eyes at the Liz, everyone. I know, shocker, I can fucking hear you. Cue the gasps," I said, interrupting the crowd's comments. Everyone gasped as told, making me snicker. "By the way, nice bitch wings Liz. They really suit you. I'm sure your boyfriend loves how symmetrical they are, but I'm pretty sure he'd get pissy about your hair." Evelyn stared wide-eyed at me as I continued on, pointing at Liz's asymmetrically parted hair.

"Direct attack!" someone cheered from the back of the crowd. "Serious shots fired right there," The rest of the crowd automatically began following suit, causing Kid's head to whip toward me with a grimace spreading across his face. I winked at him cheekily, a smile curling at the edges of my lips.

'Bingo, caught his attention. This is going better than I thought it would!' I almost laughed to myself.

"Bitch wings, huh? That's something only you would think of, fatty."

"Said the anorexic," I sneered. "Maybe that's why you have smaller boobs than your little sister."

"Holy shit, this chick has some serious balls!"

"Is this some crazy-ass Vine or something?"

"Hell yes! Do it for the Vine, whoever you are! Slay me, hunty!"

Cameras are whipped out of pockets by the rapidly increasing crowd, the sound of laughter growing as the heat built up on Liz's face. I simply stuffed my hands into my f/c hoodie, staring down at the floor as I kicked my feet around aimlessly.

"Well? Do you have anything to say, bitch?" I mocked, placing my hands on my hips and leaning forward as Liz did earlier. "If you're waiting for your boyfriend to come to your rescue, you should wait for the apocalypse instead. It'll most likely come sooner." Kid's lean figure visibly went rigid while his eyes widened at my comment. Gasps filled the room along with small giggles and whispers, everyone waiting for the one and only Death the Kid to react to my claim against him.

"Well, Death the Douche?" My weapon growled, "Y'got a shitty rebuttal up your sleeve, or are you just gonna stand there like the idiot that you are?" Ev and I turned to face him, my e/c eyes and her turquoise ones burning holes in him this time. His honeyed eyes weren't the same, they looked as if they had burnt out, the golden flame diminished into nothingness. His eyes cast downward as if he had nothing to say.

What a surprise, people really don't change.

"See, Liz? He's not going to say a word in your defense despite how much he promised that he'd protect you," I muttered, a hurt smile gracing my features before being replaced with a vicious smirk. "So next time keep my name out of your mouth, you filthy hoe, it's not a dick," Cheers erupted through the hallways, Liz's face turning a bright shade of scarlet.

Patty stood laughing her ass off at the scene while Tsubaki held a simple thumbs up with her signature reserved smile. Black*Star actually didn't scream about himself for a second, cheering me on instead. Soul smirked, showing off his pearly white, razor-sharp teeth. Sadie and Maka, however, had a disgusted look plastered across their faces, gossiping about how terrible I was.

Kid, surprisingly, looked at me with a small smile gracing his features, a deep chuckle escaping his lips. The sound was quiet enough to go unnoticed, but I couldn't help but desperately listen in for the melodious noise. It'd been so long since I'd last heard his laugh without it being directed toward me negatively. He mouthed something to me silently, my eyes tracing his lips to hear something along the lines of 'you never change,' a small smile tugging at his lips afterward.

'That smile is a killer...,' I thought, feeling the internal barrier around my heart crumble just a bit more.

"He doesn't have to say anything! If anyone, you should be doing the talking!" Liz cried, interrupting my thoughts along with the audience's laughter. Everyone fell silent, listening to Liz's every word. "Just look at this! You see, I'm not the real whore here. You are!"

"You're making this seem like a fight between four-year-olds, Liz. Then again, that is about the age that matches your intelligence level," I teased, the blonde across from me growling in a weak attempt of retaliation.

Liz visibly tensed under the bitter eyes of her peers as she realized that this was a nonsensical fight, the win already mine. Despite this, she still feebly looked around the room--as if Jesus was going to magically swoop in and sentence me to eternal damnation. A small smirk tugged on my chapped lips, it was almost pitiful. Liz's hands slid into her pockets as she curled inwardly, attempting to make her long, slender body seem smaller.

Suddenly, just when I thought it was over, her eyes widened in realization, mine following her hands as they hastily rummaged through her skinny-jean pockets. Upon finding what she was looking for, a look of utter determination slipped onto her face once again. I gulped.

"Alright, smartass, let's see how you talk yourself out of this one."


//wowie what drama.

this only took me 100 years to edit why can't i write kms

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now