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I hear voices talking but I don't open my eyes, I could tell by the voices it was my dad and Jon, I was still cuddled up in into Jon.

"All I'm saying is that that I can see how much you love her, as long as you promise to look after her, I will step back and try and accept you both as a couple" I hear my dad tell Jon

"She means the world to me, I've never felt like this about anyone, I would look after her with my life, but that's hard being two hours away" Jon informs my dad.

"I know dude, will figure something out" I hear my dad say to him "I will be back in a minute, gonna find that nurse about the scan"

I hear the door close and I open my eyes looking up to Jon.

"Hey babe" Jon smiled as I sit up slightly.

"How long was I out for?" I asked him.

"About five hours" Jon informed me pulling me back down onto his chest

"Where my dad and mom?" I asked him.

"Your mom and step dad went home same with Lana, Your dad his chasing your nurse around"

"Chasing a nurse?" I questioned him.

"yeah his been flirting with her, been rather entertaining" Jon chuckled.

The door opens and in rushes Lana.

"Thank gosh you both are alone I need to get this off my chest, I can't sleep I've barely slept" she said pacing.

"Well how about you calm down take a deep breath and calmly tell us what you need to say" I said sitting up knowing something was really bothering her.

"Okay" Lana said taking a couple of deep breaths "last night i overheard something shocking"

"Okay, go on" I said feeling Jon moving getting up off the bed.

"You was in the bath, I was going to get you some frozen yogurt to cheer you up, I heard your mom and step dad arguing" Lana said looking at me she walks over leaning on the end of the bed "I know who's behind Jon not being able to be near you"

"Who?" I asked her.

"Your step dad" Lana said with all seriousness.

"My stepdad? Why would he be behind it?" I questioned her.

"From what I heard, from what I could make out, He knew about you and Jon from the beginning, he apparently tried to stop you both seeing each other but according to him nothing could come between you both, so he got the order put on Jon with his release.

"He did that?" I questioned Lana she nods her head at me

"Yeah, Peyton would I lie to you?" I shook my head at her, Lana was one of the most honest people I had ever met.

"So, if your stepdad did all this where does Miss Butler come into this?" Jon said from where he was standing arms crossed.

"I don't know" I shook my head shrugging "she stood there in that corridor and near enough admitted the whole thing, didn't she Lana"

"I know, I don't know what to think anymore" she muttered.

"I need to get out of this place" I said going to get out of bed.

"Hey! Your going nowhere you need rest" Jon said stopping me.

"I need to go to school" I said looking to Lana.

"You nearly died, you need rest" Lana said to me "rest up then next week will get the bitch"

The door opens and my dad walks in with a grin.
"What you grinning about?" I asked him

"Nothing much, that nurse, she said doctor will be in to do the scan soon" he smiled.

"Oh that nurse? So while your daughter is in a hospital bed, your trying to pull the nurse who is looking after her" I asked with a slight grin.

"What? She a cool woman" My dad winked.

"You got her number?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah" he nods with a smirk I smile shaking my head at him.

The doctor comes in not long later and prepares the machine for the scan, my dad and Lana leave the room leaving just me and Jon with the doctor.

"Okay this will be cold" he said squirting the cold jelly on my tummy

He puts the scanner on my tummy and I look at Jon nervously he grips my hand from next to me as he sits there.

After the longest few minutes of my life the doctor finally says something

"Your baby is fine" he said turning the screen for Jon and i to see it, he points to the baby that looked like a large Jelly bean, "there, that's its heartbeat" he said pointing to the screen showing us it's heart that was beating away.

I lay the sighing with relief knowing that the baby was okay, I look at Jon who sat smiling away "that's our baby" he said standing up looking closer to the screen.

The doctor gives us a picture of the baby leaving us alone.
Jon lays back on the bed looking at the picture with me.

"Can you believe we made that?" I said in disbelief as I stare at the picture.

"Amazing huh" he said kissing the top of my head.

"I'm not going to let my stepdad or Miss Butler get away with this." I told him

"I know that, I'm not going anywhere, you and me and our baby, we are a family. I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me" Jon told me

I look up and smile at Jon before leaning in kissing his cheek "I love you so much"

"I love you too baby"

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