Chapter 21 - Emma

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I hold my hand out feeling around, the darkness making it incredibly hard to see. There are men talking nearby. I can't make a word of what they're saying. All I hear is mumbling and laughter.

My hand hits something. It's not hard but it's not soft either. I hit with the palm of my hand to get an idea. It falls down, making a noise. It's a cardboard box. My hand stretches in front of me as I begin walking around this room. There's a small window by the top left hand corner of the room buts its small. About the size of my head. Since it's dark outside though, there's no light inside the room.

I take a seat on the floor, my back against something cold which I assume must be the wall but considering I can't see, it could be anything. The men who grabbed me were on the phone with someone. Someone they called 'R Sir.' Who is he? Father must be worried crazy and who knows if mother knows that I'm not home.

Father said I could spend time with Dwayne and knowing that suddenly he had a huge attachment to Richard and his family, he was hesitant. That's all I can remember. That and the fact that I was on my way to Dwayne's house before waking up and finding myself in a car with a few people. My eyes tied with a cloth and rope keeping my hands together. Not knowing who they were or what they wanted, I'm now here with no clue as to why that is.

All I remember is the call to R Sir. They kept saying that they would teach me a lesson without harming me, so at least I know nothing will happen but who made that call and why?

My phone is in my bedroom which means father can see it any time he wants. I hope he doesn't see Andrew's texts despite me having him down as Rebecca on my phone. When I saw father last, he was telling me how much he thought Richard would make a great partner. That's when I had to remind him that he had already picked Dwayne. Father admitted to Dwayne being a good choice but he reckoned that Richard had the style, attitude and perfect manners to be the husband of a rich girl like myself. Which is ridiculous because in this case Richard's family is richer. Despite having all this money and a luxurious lifestyle, father is still chasing money and fame.

I touch the floor with my hand before pushing myself up. The cold floor is too cold to sit on. I lean against the wall trying to find my bearings.  Once again my hand stretches out as I try to find out exactly how big the room is and is layout. An exit would be nice but since I've been here, I haven't see a door. I've been given food it a tube. It's tasteless and horrible and you just squeeze it into your mouth. I never get to see where these people come from. All I know is suddenly someone grabs my hand and slams a tube of thick, gooey liquidised food and expects me to eat it. Where they disappear who knows.

The small window shines a little light in the morning but even so it's not enough to know where I am. You still can't see a thing except a small diameter near the window. So unless you sit by the window it's useless.

So far nothing has given this place away and I don't know how far I am from home or whether in still in Williams Square or not. The only thing I know is early in the morning a bell goes off. I can only imagine it's a church but I could be terribly wrong. Though if it is a bell from the church, how well will that help me because it still doesn't tell me which church or what town.

With father's control and money, you'd expect him to find me by now. I've been gone three days and by the sounds of it, I don't think I will be home any time soon. If I had never left Algard, this wouldn't have happened.

Andrew must be worried too, thinking where I've been considering I haven't seen him in a few days. Not since the dinner at Richard's place. Although technically speaking that is my place. I don't even know if father's still meeting them. At this point I hope not because I'd rather he look for me, which I imagine he would since he can't do either deals without me. Anger fills me at the idea of my father trying to use me to get ahead in the business, and the fact that I'm completely and utterly useless because I can't do anything to stop him. The freaking police work for him and some are even bribed in secret. Although in whole honesty, it's not much of a secret. Everyone knows but no one can do anything. That's the power my father has.

My mind goes back to my yellow top I had hanged in the coat hanger hoping that Andrew would see. That was from three days ago when I overhead father. He was on the phone with someone telling them to make sure mother didn't find out about Susan because he knew she wasn't on holiday but in fact in Victoria West. When I asked him about it and who Susan was, he wouldn't answer. He told me several times to drop it but I didn't. What was he hiding? I refused to leave the room until he told me. The next thing I remember was his fist against my jaw and then him down on his knees apologising after realising what he had done. I rub my jaw which is sore from the impact which bring memories back.

Father has always been like this but mother wasn't always like this. Even back in high school when she'd come home from work and sit beside me to help me finish my assignments. Even when I finished graduation, she was there but he wasn't. The past three or four years she's been distant. Enough to be okay with father selling me out like that. It's like she's not my mother or the woman I knew. It's like suddenly she hates me and for no apparent reason.

Take last week for instance, when I tried hugging her. I don't know why I did it considering I was angry at her but part of me felt like it would feel like old times sake. I tried hugging her and she looked at me before grabbing my hand and placing it by my side again. She didn't let me. Then her turning her back against me before telling my father that he should hug me because he was my dad. Of course father did but it was strange.

Not a family anyone wants. Though the one thing I've noticed, everyone born and raised in Williams Square lead a very robotic life. That's what's happened to my family. The real things don't matter to them.

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