Chapter 33 - Emma

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The second round of wedding planning has been successful and Laina has already sorted a majority of the wedding out based on what Andrew and I envisioned. Well mostly me because Andrew didn't care much for the planning but he did throw in an idea here and there.

Lately Andrew has been surprising me and I know it's to cheer me up. I've been on a bit of a rollercoaster with my life lately. Andrew has been great through. Very understanding and willing to cheer me up when things go south. It's unfair to him though because I haven't been doing the same. Hence I'm hoping what I've planned will surprise him and make him happy despite how small the gesture is.

Andrew's friends helped me set up a romantic dinner at the very beach we sort of first met. So when Laina leaves the cafe, I grab his hand and pull him out of the cafe.

"What are you doing?" He asks as I drag him out.

"Come on," I say pulling at his hand harder.

He follows but gives me a questioning look.

"Pick up your speed," I tell him as excitement takes over and I power walk towards the beach,

"I would if I knew what was happening," Andrew says. "Want to tell me."

I turn back and smile at him but never stop the walking. "It's a surprise."

His eyebrow raises to the side and he looks at me. "Is that so?"

I nod. "I can do surprises too."

That draws a smile out of Andrew's lips and he picks up his speed, matching mine. Side by side, we walk closer to the beach until Andrew's hand pulls me to a stop. "The beach?" He asks in confusion.

I nod. "Yes, now come on."

We walk down a small set of stairs until we get to the sand. Both Andrew and I remove our thongs and leave them by the stairs. Our toes soak up the warmth once we dip them in the sand.

I sigh in contentment because this feels good. I could do this over and over again.

I would totally buy a house on the beach on day, but that's a thought for another day. First I want to get married and help Andrew start his own business.

Andrew's eyes land on the canopy. The white canopy with red sheer curtains is the perfect colour combo for a romantic dinner. His friends have also set the table with a white tablecloth and red round placemats. There's also red candles on the table.

"A surprise dinner?" Andrew asks.

"Yep," I reply, popping the P.

He smiles as his hand gives mine a squeeze. "I really needed this."

We both walk hand in hand to the canopy and Andrew helps me into my seat. Gentleman.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head when Richard comes out dressed as a waiter and places two plates of mushroom truffle gnocchi in front of us.

Andrew watches in confusion. "What are you doing, Richard?"

Richard shakes his head. "I'm afraid you have the wrong person, I'm not Richard. I am your waiter for the evening."

A small giggle escapes my lips. I asked his friends to organise for a waiter and cook and they've taken things into their own hands. I love that.

Andrew laughs. "Oh man, I can't unsee this."

Richard smiles, handing us each a glass of wine. "I'm glad I can be of amusement."

As Andrew and I clink our glass together, Richard bows and takes a leave. My eyes go to Andrew to see he's already watching me.

"This is my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me. I know I've asked for a lot and I know I've also put you through a lot. For that I'm terribly sorry. I know this dinner won't make up for it but this is my way of saying thank you."

Andrew reaches over and gives my hand a squeeze. "You don't need to say thank you. I've done everything because I love you and I'd do it a thousand times over for you. But I think what you're forgetting is everything you've done for me. You've given me you and that's my biggest joy in life."

Tears escape my eyes and I didn't want to cry tonight but Andrew has left me with no choice. His beautiful heart has utterly destroyed me in the best way possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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