Chapter 13 - Emma

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My car has been locked in the garage. The one where Andrew works. When Richard first visited us, he hid my car in the garage because no one would look there so it made sense.

Andrew and I have been on house arrest, it feels like. Though it's given us the opportunity to get to know each other more, and the more I know Andrew the more I realise I'm falling for him.

It feels too soon but sometimes you only need a day to know someone and sometimes even a lifetime isn't enough.

What confuses me is my grandma. She sent me to Andrew with no second thought. She must really trust Andrew.

This morning we snuck back in his house. No police cars or sirens yet so it's all good, at least for now. I saw my father walking down the street this morning. I felt anger stir up in me and I was tempted to run out the door and bang my wrists against his chest in frustration to tell him what a horrible father he was.

Unfortunately he would've dragged me then and there into his car and taken me back to Williams Square where he would've forced me to marry Dwayne.

I remember Dwayne. We went to high school together. He used to sit at the back and flirt with the girls and during the lunch break he would be found smoking behind the school hall.

I can't believe dad thought he was right for me. Well it's not like dad thought he was right for me, it was more like dad thought about how much more richer he could get and how much control he could have. You'd think with the amount of money he had, he wouldn't need anymore, at least not at the expense of his daughter.

I take a deep breath. Calm yourself. This is crazy. Although I do want to just tell my father he has no control over me.

Aroma fills the air around. The smell of cooked chicken. I walk over to the kitchen to see Andrew pulling the chicken out of the oven.

"Hungry?" He asks as he lifts the chicken in the air.

I smile. "Very much so."

Andrew cuts me a piece and I devour it in a matter of seconds. I've been stuck on canned food when we were stuck underneath his garage. He was eating canned foods too but he never complained. I feel bad because this is kind of all my fault. Should've never fell for someone.

I don't even no how it happened. I actually got to Algard with so much hatred in my heart. I was so sure I would hate this place and that the people would bore me and that I would be disgusted by everything. I was so wrong. The people are amazing, this place is a breath of fresh air and I'm so in love with everything there is in Algard.

Screaming outside pulls me out of my thoughts. I raise from my chair and run over to the kitchen window. I hold my breath when I notice a man is bloody and injured in the middle of the streets. I feel like I'm about to throw up.

Andrew twists me down and sits me back on the chair. When he looks out, I notice colour has gone from his face. "David," he whispers to himself.

I hear it though and by the looks of it, Andrew knew him. What makes it worse is that it's my father holding the gun that was pointed at him and it doesn't take long to figure what really happened to David.

I shake my head. "I have to go outside," I say in panic. "I have to stop him."

Andrew pulls my arm. "Why aren't the police stopping your father?"

I look down at my feet. "My uncle is head of the police department. That and the fact that my father has most likely bribed them."

Andrew slams his hand against the wall. "So he can get away with murder?"

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